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The PT Cruiser (un)appreciation threak.

Mr Waffles

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most of all y'all niggaz is too young to remember, but when the original Neon came out with the 'say hi to Neon' (always a Daul Kim concept) it was supposed to change the American car industry and save it from what it became 15 years later.

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Detroit is acting pretty innocent these days, but they knew all along they were making trash. Anyone who's ever been in a 1990's or 2000's GM car knows how ridiculously bad they are.

The Cobalt replacement (Chevy Cruze? or something) is a Daewoo car, Daewoo design and it will be badge engineered for the world. It actually doesn't come off as a terrible car and is about the size of a 3-series, has nice lines, but then again when people buy them as stripper models on little 14" steelies and get parking lot bumps all over them, they'll probably look prety trashy. Still, a big step up from what Chevrolet has put out before. I can't say I'd drive one, but it's not the shitbox the Cobalt is.

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This Cash for Clunkers thing they're doing now is going to take a lot of old shitboxes off the road and put tens of thousands of mega cheap cars, like Hyundais and Nissan Versas, on the road. America is gonna be the land of the econobox.

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I used to see a purple PT Cruiser parked at my train station every morning with bands of silver unicorns running down both sides of the car. Two years go by, and one morning, to my amazement and not total surprise out springs the kitten-goth that went to my highschool and her boyfriend, who used to tell me how many utility knives he carried on his person (6) and was a known furry.

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Why has nobody brought up the design abortion that is the Nissan Cube?

The worst part is that they're marketing it as a car that you can "socialize" in. As opposed to cars where you cannot make physical or verbal contact with the other passengers? (Always a misappropriating Web 2.0 concept)


God, I really want to bash the head in of whatever ad exec came up with this.

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it's not just the looks of it. it's the interior, the people that drive it, it's shitty neon frame, and all the chrome accessories that are made for it.

don't forget those who get it with a faux (guessing) wood body!!

never stepped inside one or cared to find out what it looks like, the outside repulses me so.

I think if it wasn't for that grill I wouldn't associate it with a funeral car as much, never seen an asian drive it too, only white and blacks around here.

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it's like the kind of people who drive Boxters and think they are ballin' because it's a Porsche... for christs sake you are driving an entry level porsche that you probably can only barely afford

911 is where it's at or the Cayman, other Porsches are for posers and dickheads

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