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Looking for poor mans Common Projects


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^ In any Adidas Originals store. They're F/W collection though, so probably sold out everywhere by now.

I had a pair but I gave them away to a friend. The silhouette is great, but the leather feels really cheap like plastic.

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I always thought people who were willing to pay the exorbitant price for common projects were high on crack smoke... $300+ for a plain leather shoe, jesus CHRIST. do you have money to burn or something?

yeah, you're right.

if i'm gonna pay 300$ for a pair of sneakers they should at least some kind of big logo on the side or something!! (10)

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while that is true, I'm not in the economical position to spend $300 on a pair of white shoes that most certainly will look like shit after a summer of escapades even though they were made out of titanium

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I used to feel the same way but these days I rather rock a pair of cps that last me 1-2 years than go through 10 pairs of converse that last me like 1-2 months.
Some of you guys are dumb. CP are the best sneakers for sale. 300 isn't even that much money compared to a lot of things. They last years, you'll probably end up spending more on multiple pairs of Vans or those really shitty Adidas models.

Christ, what do you people do with your sneakers? Run through fucking burning buildings while saving orphans and then swimming the Channel while having fighter pilots strafe your pansy ass?

Obviously not. I have a pair of Vans sneakers that I paid $40 for last August. I weight-lift, BMX, play football and generally run around in them all fucking day, and they still are around.

If you fuckers can actually show me the 8 pairs of Converse that you 'went' through, as in holes in the soles and the top is totally destroyed in the space of eight months, then okay, I can see your argument's validity.

ps. a little rip or some stains on your canvas shoes do not count. I've machine-washed these vans three times already and they're still alive.

Fucking idiots in your $300 sneakers. Most of you just use them to walk to boutiques bars and back home. Don't give me that THEY DONT LAST argument. Just embrace the troof - you're all buying into the hype just like everybody else.

^^^ (keep in mind this is coming from a guy with several $300 pairs of jeans. I'm buying into the hype just like you, I just don't say that my jeans are any more superior than a pair of 501s.)

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Dude, if you're looking exclusively from a practical standpoint, then sure, the difference in how long it takes before they completely fall apart isn't worth the price. But they do look nicer, last longer, and wear in and age like cheaper sneakers don't which is why people pay for them. You'd think if you post here with any frequency you'd at least understand that concept, even if you don't subscribe to it.

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I'd like a pair of common projects. but at their current prices, my current financial situation and my habit of stepping on my own shoes (one foot on top of the other because god knows why concept), it's not feasible for me to buy a pair.

in my case, a pair of vans (which gets filthy within a week) suffices.

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maybe its the way I walk, maybe its cus I'm a fat fuck, walk my dog 2-3 hours a day, or maybe because I spend time in both Tokyo and New York and walk 24/7. I just find cps to not develop holes in the back of the heel or detach from the shoe.

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maybe its the way I walk, maybe its cus I'm a fat fuck, walk my dog 2-3 hours a day, or maybe because I spend time in both Tokyo and New York and walk 24/7. I just find cps to not develop holes in the back of the heel or detach from the shoe.

yes. (actually no hate)

anyways – yeah, in retrospect – i'm being dense. Buy what you want, at the pricepoint you want.

Luxury is luxury, I'm going to just chill. happy 4/20everyday ppl

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damn.. I'm glad I came to check in on this thread.

I still stand by my point. I can definitely rationalize the purchase of a $300 visvim sneaker (specifically, the FBT, which is certainly unique) -- although not without apprehension, $300 is still a shitload of money for sneakers. But plain-as-fuck CP's? aka shoes that people will mistake for some generic skate beaters like Vans?

and Egpt, you jackass, I'm not suggesting they need a logo slapped on the side.

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i can understand the appeal but the pricepoint is a bit much and increasing the price this season. come on now. as far as quality it seems like alot ive seen on WAYWT are a bit beat up just like any trainer. even if they lasted 2x as long as a pair of chucks they would still be trashed right? i would still get a pair if they were on sale a bit though.

as far as a poor version i really like those rod lavens. they seem a tad bit chunkier IRL but maybee the cleans are narrower.also kind of hard to find. i also like leather chucks like this(i got for $50)


classic all white leather


now i need to find a all navy or grey pair with a matching toebox.

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i've grown to liking my dark grays dirty, so i haven't cleaned em in a while. wear them half the time to clubs/bars too. don't worry mrchariybrown, heh.

i've had vans and cons have a sole separate after six months, the latter were even exclusively work shoes when i worked in a kitchen. my cp's have been through two canadian winters as my primary footwear, as well as the rest of the year, and all i've had to do was replace the laces (for free). the sole still has a good chunk of wear left, and i walk a fair amount. seems worth it to me.

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could you plz zoom in on those again for me? My eyes aren't what they used to be. Appreciated! :)

yeah yeah yeah

copy x paste from webtersite. no resizing cause i'm lazy :)

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