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how is the fit (waist) of the straight sven compared to the RR


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you don't understand, i could just barely button them but i didn't feel comfortable wearing them they were so tight. my balls were bulging out like mad and the thighs were tight.

i usually wear my jeans a bit baggier and would prefer them bigger.

how much do they stretch? i can't imagine those stretching to fit me as i'd like them. i don't wear jeans stupidly big but i like them to be comfortable.

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I do understand. That's the right size if you want a fitted pair of jeans, rather than baggy ones.

If you size up, the jeans will stretch so much that they fall off without a belt and your legs will swim in them.

The thighs and the waist will stretch substantially. The waist will probably stretch about 2".

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i'd prefer them loose but not baggy. i think a 34 would still be fitted but stretch to a slightly loose fit. i thought i needed a 36, but if the 34 measures in at 35 i'll be OK. the 33's measured in true.

edit: the top button felt like it was going to rip out when i buttoned it in the 33. i think they would've stretched to be a tight fit.

Edited by obsessis on Jan 7, 2006 at 10:26 PM

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I have never tried on the bjorn, but remember that the sven is supposed to be a slimmer fit so if you oversize it, the overal leg shape will be slim but you're ass and thighs will be saggy.

I'd pick a different pair of jeans if I were you, sounds like the sven (or rr) is not what you want.

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Quote: i could just barely button them but i didn't feel comfortable wearing them they were so tight. my balls were bulging out like mad and the thighs were tight.

that's the perfect fit for raw denim.

If this is your first denim project, get used to the feel. I personally prefer fitted jeans like the RR or Straight Sven because they give defined honeycombs than say, the Bjork.

Getsuga Tenshou

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how long would it take those jeans to stretch? would the stretch out so you couldn't see my package defined? what about my thighs, would they loosen up?

--- Original message by obsessis on Jan 8, 2006 08:32 AM

about 3-4 days. And yes, the thighs stretch as well.
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i amde the poor mistake of going up a size thinking that they would shrink down to a 28 (i got 30) after the six months of wear but they ended up just stretching out like mad, to a 31 ish maybe even more i duno, i made sure to get my apc's skin tight, and now even they have stretched out alot, especially on the thigh.


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I tried on a 33 straight sven(dry) and they were ungodly tight. how is the fit of the sven compared to the ralf? would i need a 36 in the ralf? i assume i'd need a 36 in sven since they don't make a 35.

--- Original message by obsessis on Jan 7, 2006 09:55 PM

Ralf has a higher rise, and a slight bootcut. A painstakingly obvious bootcut if you oversize, IMHO.

I own a pair of oversized ralfs, well a 34" (one size up) acctually and I still wear 34" comfortably, but it always stretches and feel saggy as hell. I'm usually a 33" when it comes to nudie. I read the measurements of the Ralf a while back, I think their 34" is 92-94 cm in the waist. That's closer to a 36" really.

Also, all of Nudies selvage is Dry. Sanforized. Won't shrink as much. Guess you know the drill :). So oversizing too much would be a bad idea. And with the stretching on top of that. I've always got the advice to buy your own size, and let it stretch.

Nudie themselves does say that you can oversize the ralf for a more baggy fit, but with the Baggy Björn in their collection now I'ld say that you should go for a pair of those if you want comfortable, baggy jeans.

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