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wackest bapes ever

Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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No need to argue this but it's safe to say that bape isn't what it used to be.

It's more like A dead horse even.

And if they didn't jack up prices or make stupid stuff like the heel above then the fakes would have been the last straw that ruined it for me.

Enjoy your internet filled life.

It takes strength to be gentle and kind.

Edited by youwish on Dec 20, 2005 at 08:05 PM

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honestly ... do products really need to be great after they establish themselves? If you have a product that has established itself in the market, it really does'nt need to come up with anything new. Just pump out the same stuff year after year. Throw in a colloboration here and there. If a shirt with the same Ape logo manages to make a nice profit year after year, i honestly believe we live a world where there is plenty of room for other labels to enter the game, and also, you can still make a descent living.

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There are tons of garbage bapes. Actually, theres ton of bape stuff thats garbage, but they also have some really dope ish. Some bapestas are completely trash, I personally only have one pair and I think its the best pair ever made: the Camo patents. Bape is a hit or miss brand for me, usually its dope as F*CK, or its whack as hell. Nothing in between. Supreme as well. They have some garbage designs and some are just out of this world. At least, Supreme is a bit more affordable.

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i stole pogs from my local comic shop cause i was that desperate to get in on it and my parents wouldnt buy any.

i thought i was hot shit with my gambit slammer until one day some douche at school pog battled? me and he had slammers literally 3 inchs thick. they werent even pogs. they looked like cylinders. so he took all my pogs. and here we are.

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