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For Sale: RRL *Rigid* 32,33,34


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I have four pairs of RRL jeans for sale. I bought them each for $120 at the Polo store in MA but I'm willing to let them all go for $100 shipped VIA USPS Priority Mail. My loss is your gain, but that's ok for me right now. They all have their original tags on them, listed for $210 (no markdowns or any stickers on the pricing). These are raw/rigid jeans. Do not mistake them for sanfornized one wash styles. They also have four buttons, five if you include the top button, selvage coin pocket, hidden rivets, selvage denim and, quite perfect to the last detail. I honestly think RRL's are the most underrated denim. Unfortunately, eBay no longer show any nice RRL jeans, they're mostly washed away with no hidden rivets and very small pockets. These all come with the three original tags. I'll let the pictures do the talking. One more thing, these are true to their size! I wear a 29/30 depending on which model/make and these fit perfectly above the waist. I could fit a 32 if that was my only option being that the "rigid" jeans would make up for the room of sizing. Enjoy!








Sizes available are 32x32, 32x34, 33x34, 34x34. Thanks for looking!

Hi guys,

I have some demands for 33x34 and 32x32 VIA PM and they are still available. I sold the 32x34 for those who were asking. I will get definite measurements tomorrow when I get home. They won't be too far off from the actual measurements in these rigid styles but I'll post measurement pictures up when I can, tomorrow. Thanks, again.

A picture of me wearing these, the second day of wear...


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im interested in the 33x34 would you do 90 shipped to canada?

How's it going? I have another member that is interested and he's in Canada as well, I can do $110 shipped to Canada VIA USPS and send it as a "gift valued under $20" so they don't bug you about brokerage fee. I believe it's $20 to ship it there... I'm already losin a bit so I don't think i could lower it much.

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Thanks Young King! Great buyer, right there!

I have 34x34 and 34x32 left. If you guys are familiar with MSlive and eBay's 30% off "buy it now" prices, like I'm doing with another member, I can list these on eBay and you pay only $70 shipped. This way, you and I, both come off on this deal. Let me know and we can arrange it. I'll eat the eBay and Paypal fees.

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