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HD videocamera recommendation

Chris Jakob

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As I'm fed up with using other's/renting cameras I want to buy a HD vc beginning of next year and start shooting a short with it in april. Are there any people using a HD videocamera here? If so please share your user expertise.

Right now I'm looking at the Panasonic AG-DVX100, the Canon XL1 or Sony DSR-PD170 eventhough it has less options than the first two.

Budget € 3000,- - 3500,-

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Wait for Red digital One to release the Scarlet in 3k...though its going through redesign and hopefully getting interchangeable lens like the 4k It was supposed to release at around 3g but now unsure...most likely more.


i have worked with the 4k and it's worth it, cheapest equipment for the quality.

Picture of the 4k..


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  Chris Jakob said:
As I'm fed up with using other's/renting cameras I want to buy a HD vc beginning of next year and start shooting a short with it in april. Are there any people using a HD videocamera here? If so please share your user expertise.

Right now I'm looking at the Panasonic AG-DVX100, the Canon XL1 or Sony DSR-PD170 eventhough it has less options than the first two.

Budget € 3000,- - 3500,-

I'm a little confused with your wording. When you say "HD" do you mean it in the technical sense of HD video output (720p, 1080p, etc) or do you just mean "prosumer" level.

I'm asking because all three cams you listed are very nice 3ccd cams, but they don't do HD. If you're looking for HD, the Canon XL-H1 or the Panasonic AG-HVX200 are what you're looking for, and i think they slip into your budget.

I've filmed shorts using the XL1 and the DVX100, and they're both awesome. In terms of actual video output, i prefer the look of the canon, but the panasonic has 24p which might be important to you. The lens on the canon is way better too imo, (though still flawed). Another big consideration is that the panasonic has built-in XLR connections. You'll need an addon for the canon to use XLR, so that's something to think about, depending on how you're planning to handle audio.

Speaking of audio, do you have a separate budget for your audio setup, or does that figure include mics, etc? I have no idea of your level of expertise, but i know sound and lighting are often overlooked and can make/break a short even more than your camera choice.

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  altwaev said:
I'm a little confused with your wording. When you say "HD" do you mean it in the technical sense of HD video output (720p, 1080p, etc) or do you just mean "prosumer" level.

I'm asking because all three cams you listed are very nice 3ccd cams, but they don't do HD. If you're looking for HD, the Canon XL-H1 or the Panasonic AG-HVX200 are what you're looking for, and i think they slip into your budget.

I've filmed shorts using the XL1 and the DVX100, and they're both awesome. In terms of actual video output, i prefer the look of the canon, but the panasonic has 24p which might be important to you. The lens on the canon is way better too imo, (though still flawed). Another big consideration is that the panasonic has built-in XLR connections. You'll need an addon for the canon to use XLR, so that's something to think about, depending on how you're planning to handle audio.

Speaking of audio, do you have a separate budget for your audio setup, or does that figure include mics, etc? I have no idea of your level of expertise, but i know sound and lighting are often overlooked and can make/break a short even more than your camera choice.

First I have to say I indeed used "HD" in the (popular vocabulary) prosumer meaning of it assuming there weren't going to be a lot of people reacting on the topic if I would've done differently.

I don't have a seperate budget for a audio setup as of right now. A friend rents out audio material and that's what we use. We are doing projects with a core group of four people. One of us does everything concerning sound, sounddesign included. Until now all sound has been recorded seperate from the camera. As we have acces to microphones at very low to no costs it's not having any priority buying sound equipment of our own. The same friend is also our supply for lighting equipment, but I have to say with most projects until now we've worked a majority of the time with sunlight and minimal artificial light (and if so we tend to use unprofessional lightning).

I'm afraid the the Canon XL-H1 or the Panasonic AG-HVX200 are too far over my budget to be an option..

So both used the Canon and the Panasonic. What kind of lightening did you use while filming? Did do nightfilming as well?

What did you do while filming, are you a cameraman?

Thanks for the info though, much appreciated.

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  Chris Jakob said:

So both used the Canon and the Panasonic. What kind of lightening did you use while filming? Did do nightfilming as well?

What did you do while filming, are you a cameraman?

Thanks for the info though, much appreciated.

My main interest is cinematography but I've used both cams as cameraman on a few projects.

I typically stick to available light w/ reflectors to give some boost/ fill. Never had the budget for anything more than that.

As for nightfilming, both cameras are pretty bad - same with all cameras in that price range. If low light / high ISO shooting is important to you, you might want to think about stepping up to the XL2. The price difference is a pretty big jump, however.

Another nice thing about the Panasonic is the LCD screen (the xl1 doesnt have one). For most filmmaking purposes, you'd be sticking to the viewfinder anyway, but the LCD is nice for quick playback to check shots if you dont have an external monitor on scene. Similar to the XLR ports, if this isn't something you need, then thats all the more reason to lean towards the XL1.

Are you looking to buy new or used?

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  altwaev said:
My main interest is cinematography but I've used both cams as cameraman on a few projects.

My main interest is cinematography as well. Has been the case with the projects in the past and the upcomming project. One of our group of four has his main interest in being a cameraman and so he's been doing that. But as he is slowly drifting away in his own direction and because I have some plans to do at least one but maybe even two documantaries on my own I'm interested how fast you were able to work the cameras before you ever used them?

  altwaev said:
As for nightfilming, both cameras are pretty bad - same with all cameras in that price range. If low light / high ISO shooting is important to you, you might want to think about stepping up to the XL2. The price difference is a pretty big jump, however.

Again, unfortunately the budget is not very flexible so XL2 is a jump too far.

  altwaev said:
Another nice thing about the Panasonic is the LCD screen (the xl1 doesnt have one). For most filmmaking purposes, you'd be sticking to the viewfinder anyway, but the LCD is nice for quick playback to check shots if you dont have an external monitor on scene. Similar to the XLR ports, if this isn't something you need, then thats all the more reason to lean towards the XL1.

We use a external lcd screen to check shots, so the camera LCD is not a necessity.

  altwaev said:
Are you looking to buy new or used?

I am looking to buy new, because I don't really trust the few used retailers I've been checking out so far. Also to have some garanty is important to me.

Overall you are saying you prefer the look of the Canon. I guess it's a plus as well that there are quite some accessories avaible for it, have your worked with different lenses or only the (high quality) standard lens? You don't have any experience with the PD 170? We've mainly been working with the PD 150 and although it's been overtaken qualitywise in it's class by the Panasonic and the Canon I still consider it to be in the top region on behalf of the video output with regular sunlight.

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After seeing the specs of the XL2 one more time is have to say, the XL2 truly isn't that expensive if you compare it's quality and price to the XL1.

You think the XL2 is simply the best choice in the 3ccd camerafield?

I guess it's worth the hassle to get the extra €1000,-.....

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honestly if i was going to buy a "serious" camera today, it would be the XL2.

The XL1 is no doubt a great camera, but it was released in 1997 and it's starting to show it's age. They're a great deal when you get them used, but i don't even think you can get one new. You could probably get an XL1s new, but why spend that much money on something that's starting to get outdated.

The XL2 was released in 2004, so it's still a very strong camera. Pair it with a 35mm adapter (if you're into that) and some nice lenses, and you have professional looking results.

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Found out about http://www.globalmediapro.com/ this afternoon. The prices on it exclude taxes but even with taxes this is ridiculous compared what I pay for the same stuff here in the Netherlands.

With these prices I can say without a lot of doubt I"ll go for the Canon XH-A1. I've heard nothing but good stuff about it. Have you worked with the XH-A1?

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A little bit of research shows that place is definitely a scam. Please don't risk thousands trying to deal with places like that!

I know a lot of imports might be very expensive, but don't spend your money anywhere that isn't an Authorized Canon retailer. If you want to avoid the high price and taxes, try to find a gently used one locally, that was originally purchased from a reputable dealer.

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