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How is a "rainbow" striped shirt made?


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E.g. something like this:


Is the fabric just knitted together, then run through a machine to dye in stripes, then assembled together? Is this something that is realistically possible for a small manufacturer?

Sorry if this is a "newbish" question; it's just something I've wondered about.

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That is knitted.

Just think like when grandmothers are knitting a jumper, if she wants to make it striped she uses different coloured yarn on different levels.

Many brands who cannot afford to do this (is quite expensive to setup and design this sort of thing) buy bleached fabric and dye it on the roll or actually just screenprint on stripes.

By far the best is the knitted, like the photo you linked to.

I hope that itch isn't what i think it is...

... could someone take a photo of me like this

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i dont know what you mean by faked.

Have you seen this exact same fabric in a polo store. Which has lead you to believe that this example on ebay/auction site is real.

As, anyone can knit that fabric there are knitting mills all over the world that may even produce for both RL and bootleggers.

So no you cannot tell it is genuine just because of the fact that it is knitted in a certain way.

I hope that itch isn't what i think it is...

... could someone take a photo of me like this

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