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throup trousers - the saga continues.


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alright ladies and gentlemen, it seems we've yawned through the momentous occasion of aitor releasing something for mass (not sure if i'd call it that, but still..) consumption. after noticing a conspicuous lack of throup trousers over in my native land of stylezeitgeist, i've come to ask if any of you had been so fortunate as to snag a pair and would perhaps be willing to provide some photographs to make the rest of us poor wretches writhe in envious agony.

release the hounds.


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  • 2 weeks later...

its something that has been puzelling me and aitor, they sold out in a matter of hours at the store and online!but i havent seen them pop up in places i would expect to have seen them, i have 2 pairs so i will do some pics for people,my cam dose suck though so be warned.

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Just putting it out there again - if someone has a pair in like 29" - 30" waist (did they make shorter inseams?) definitely get at me. Is there a functional reason for the little straps coming up from the hips?

I think the straps are for hanging in the closet.

Can you wear this with anything but han Solo boots

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