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fat legs


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You need to exercise more.

I recommend doing squats, 3 sets of 6 reps, at the highest weight you can do.

Also leg press, 3 sets of 6 weights, at max weight or to failure.

Calf raises are also great at burning fat.

Also, biking 3 times a week will help. Don't worry about distance, because the longer you bike, the more muscle you will build. Instead,short intense uphill sections punctuated by 30 second sprints at max speed should help burn some of that pesky fat.

You also need to eat lots of protein to replace the lipids in your legs. I recommend a protein shake for breakfast, followed by 6-8 high protein meals.


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^are you making a joke? i'm not an expert dietitian but that doesn't sound like it will accomplish what the original poster wants to accomplish. weight training will burn fat but it will also build muscle. squats and calf raises won't make his legs any smaller than bench presses or bicep curls because spot reduction is a myth.

just watch your diet and do lots of cardio. i feel your pain though, i used to have 24" thighs and nothing fit well besides repros. i lost 15 lbs over the summer just running 20-30 min 3-6 times a week and eating 4-5 small meals a day instead of 3 and cutting down on snacks and drinking.

or go on the coffee and cigarettes diet.

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if you have mostly fat on your legs do high intensity interval training 3 days a week and weight training. if it's mostly muscle (like you can't pinch a lot of skin/fat off your legs) eat a lot of good carbs and run for 1~2 hours a day. in a month you should see some results. you can also vary up the cardio with biking, swimming, rowing and so forth. i think swimming is actually the most balanced and less injury prone than running.

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