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Definitive answers to shrink your Shrink to Fit 501 Jeans. Please post your pics.


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Hi, I'm interested in getting a pair of these and was wondering what you think your best way to shrink your jeans and eventually get nice permanent honeycombing.

(So far, I've read that it would be good to cold soak them for a couple of hours before wearing them, take them out, and wear them and sit in them until they are completely dry. From then on, wear them as long as you can until the next wash.)

In addition, I would like to know what size you usually wear and what size you got for the Shrink to fit 501, also, if you got pictures, please post them up. Thanks for your help!

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I tried a pair of STF 501's on a few weeks back. I grabbed one size smaller than my natural waist, tried em and hated em. Looks like I was wearing a diaper, the seat was way baggy and it was tight in the waist and sort of fitted in the legs. Just a bad fit.

"Patience, both we and our words are overproduced by influence"

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I would recommend getting some higher end dry denim if you want a good fading process. The new STFs lose a lot of color after the first wash and the denim isn't quite thick enough to produce the honeycombing you want. It is possible to get honeycombing, but they won't be drastic. I would save up and spend the money on some Levis LVC. They are quite a bit more, but the denim will last forever.

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Thanks guys, so what would happen, if after I soak them over night like ringring recommends, and I take em out of the pool of water and wear them to sit down until the are completely dry? Not much honeycombing? Will I lose a lot of color after the cold soak?

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for STF, they surely will lose some color out when u soak them,but no choice,otherwise they are loose and long...... listen ringring's recommends,it works..... soak in the cold water by couples of hour. soak long will be good..dont forget that turn them inside out

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for STF, they surely will lose some color out when u soak them,but no choice,otherwise they are loose and long...... listen ringring's recommends,it works..... soak in the cold water by couples of hour. soak long will be good..dont forget that turn them inside out

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Alot of negative comments about stfs, my pair is looking really good so far after 2 months. Ok, the denim is really heavy weight, the stitching and details are perfect, the jeans overall are really good. I have seen premium denim and the couple of pairs i have seen are nice but not worth the 150+ premium over the stfs. My pair have yet to touch water but details like the honeycombing and creases on the crotch are starting to contrast just from wear

I dont have a camera, just the one on my camera phone so here is an update on the honeycombing of my pair, the high points have just started to show some wear. Once i do wash them, they will look so fucking good


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I am not trying to say that stfs are crap, but after a wash the denim is soft and not very dark. You will never get great contrast with stfs the way you would if you broke in some LVCs.

<!--url{0}-->[img=http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/4861/501vssugar6cy.th.jpg] ' alt='a> '>

<img align=absmiddle src="http://img476.imageshack.us/my.php?image=501vssugarlap3mi.jpg'>[img=http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/4638/501vssugarlap3mi.th.jpg]

" border=0 vspace=0>

If those picture posts didn't work this link should:


The dark pair is a pair of sugar canes that have been cold soaked and worn to work for 2.5 months. the light pair is a pair of 501 stfs that were worn raw for 2 weeks to work and cold washed, then worn to work for a week.

As you can tell the levi stfs are quite lighter than the sugar canes.

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The sugar canes have also just recently been washed in warm water and air dried. Sorry the picture links didn't work.

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I will try and post some pictures of me wearing them. I seem to be having trouble posting pictures. The fit of the jeans is baggy. I think baggier jeans will have whiskers that run down the leg, whereas tight jeans will have more dense whiskers in the lap area.

To all those who are buying stfs: I am not trying to knock y'all. The 501 stfs are a decent jean, but i just think if you pay 160 for the better denim you are getting by far your money's worth and also a pair of jeans that will hold their color and fading much longer.

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Some of y'all might want to check these out. I don't know how nice the denim is, but you may be able to get these for a cheap price. Sanforized and all...


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Some of y'all might want to check these out. I don't know how nice the denim is, but you may be able to get these for a cheap price. Sanforized and all...


--- Original message by rnrswitch on Oct 31, 2005 08:08 PM

I really like those. They seem like the perfect Levis. Can I still find those in stores.
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I have seen others on ebay, but never in a store. You might want to look in the levis stores.

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