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Record Storage...For The Space Conscious Vinyl Head.


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Moving to a new spot...not going to deal with milk crates anymore...you can't stack 'em without fucking up your records. Shelves, in the closet, whatever...what do you guys use or recommend (and from where...I've heard a lot of mention of Ikea actually)?

Also, for the smaller records, 7"'s in particular, I saw some punk blog author post something he had copped from Ikea (shelves as well) that worked perfectly for those nifty little gems. Basically they were some colored cubes that housed the small vinyls nice and snug. Wish I could find that again.

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My dad who is a massive vinyl-head uses the Expedit shelving range to store his vinyl, nice and modular. If youre looking for slightly cheaper, then I use Ivar to store my stuff. Both come from the Swedish Design Emporium (Ikea) of course. You cant really go wrong with their stuff, for the price its good quality and it gets the job done.

Edit: He has the expedit stuff, not billy (same difference though)

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  heBAY said:
I'm thinking of this...to put along the wall of my studio room.


This looks like it would work perfectly. Id go to the store to make sure the proportions are right. Luckilly enough, the apartment I just moved into has a walk in closet thats the size of another room, with a crazy amount of shelves.

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I need a new toilet seat for my apartment's cubby-hole sized bathroom. I've seen several models mentioned in other threads, but i thought I would ask here and see if I could get some more defiinitive answers. How does national wholesale liquidators' low-end cushioned model compare to the likes of Koehler and BB&B????

Actually, I'm looking for something tasteful to match this Sherle Wagner jade tissue box, but i can't locate Toilet seats on their website.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

(My man......)

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I had some custom shelving unit made for me, which i ended up leaving at my mom's home when i moved. That unit works great, but have seen some nightmares happen to people when their collection came too large. Lots of people reinforce the outsides to make sure the weight cause the unit to crash in on itself or to the side, but it also depends on how massive your collection


recent example from vlv:


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  heBAY said:
Also...could these be the colored cubes dude mentioned?


Have a feeling about 'em...

Those things are not made to hold anything heavy, I have some in my kids' playroom and they're fine for toys but they're way too flimsy for records. I have a few Expidits in different sizes including a big 5x5 one for my vinyl, they're great pieces for the price, but definitely make sure you have them balanced properly side to side because you could easily end up with your shit like that pic above. They aren't robust enough to support 1000's of records if it's all off center. They don't disassemble and move all that well either...

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I need a new toilet seat for my apartment's cubby-hole sized bathroom. I've seen several models mentioned in other threads, but i thought I would ask here and see if I could get some more defiinitive answers. How does national wholesale liquidators' low-end cushioned model compare to the likes of Koehler and BB&B????

Actually, I'm looking for something tasteful to match this Sherle Wagner jade tissue box, but i can't locate Toilet seats on their website.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

(My man......)


Dear dude of mine,

I am now heavy-hearted to read that this thread was not super enough, nor future enough, nor hippo skin enough, to appease you and your high-fashion bulletproof ashtray necklace's taste in Japanese, post-modern, semi-abstract, pretty functional, hybridized retakes on Native American/Alaskan survivalist fashion.

Sometimes men just want to have a nice home for their collection...and sometimes we risk triggering that good ol sense of redundancy, regretfully so, in the name of hoarding knowledge through the experience of others.

Thank you and sincerely...al;kthawl;thaw;lthl howS THEM FOOT MEASUREMENTS!!!!?!?!?!

Just be happy that when you finally see this incredible shelving in the new Lab...and by knowing me...you can bet that it will be 1. sturdy, sexy, and 2. filled with equally as incredible music that will reinvigorate any reformed thug's gutterness and/or any grown up punk's crustiness. Perhaps you'll find another SDE-like listening experience/discovery and want to hug me afterwards...I wouldn't doubt it.

  arem said:
Those things are not made to hold anything heavy, I have some in my kids' playroom and they're fine for toys but they're way too flimsy for records. I have a few Expidits in different sizes including a big 5x5 one for my vinyl, they're great pieces for the price, but definitely make sure you have them balanced properly side to side because you could easily end up with your shit like that pic above. They aren't robust enough to support 1000's of records if it's all off center. They don't disassemble and move all that well either...

Thanks for that bit of info...

For smaller records, I think I'll go with the sk8-hi shoebox.

I figure, that like most other Ikea shit, re-assembly (after having built it the first time) will probably leave a result similar to Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.

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i am dissenting in favor of the ikea bonde shelves. they are by far the strongest bookshelves i've seen from ikea and are the magical 12.5"/13" square size. plus they come with backing and you can put doors on them. i got my first unit (2 x 8) about ten years ago and none of the shelves have bowed, no pegs have broken or come loose and not a single whiff of stability issues.

for 7"es i go with the bags unlimited corrugated plastic joints, unlike the sk8 box they provide full protection (with lid).

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I should have mentioned: I backed mine fully with 1/4 inch masonite, air-stapled along the perimeter and shelves. It's a real bitch to disassemble, but it pries off easily enough.

That collapsed bookshelf looks like a real mess :o

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  FUCK said:
I had some custom shelving unit made for me, which i ended up leaving at my mom's home when i moved. That unit works great, but have seen some nightmares happen to people when their collection came too large. Lots of people reinforce the outsides to make sure the weight cause the unit to crash in on itself or to the side, but it also depends on how massive your collection


recent example from vlv:


Forgot to chime in about how fucked this is.. Yes, my collection is brolic. Hence the creation of the thread. Balls to panzyman shelving.

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Ha. Honestly, after doing some research/max shelf weight comparisons, I don't see how much of the Ikea stuff would hold up. Esp. the Expedit shelving...max weight of what, 29 lbs. per shelf? Unless you cats have reinforced the shit out of them.

On the flip, I've found these:


A little more affordable than the Boltz stuff (which seem like a very A-1 way to go)...yet still seem sturdy (built strictly for the job, so to speak).

Also, what do you cats know about Gothic Cabinet Craft? Super low price-point, but is that because they are super-standard (bland) in design (as well as unfinished)?:


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  heBAY said:
Ha. Honestly, after doing some research/max shelf weight comparisons, I don't see how much of the Ikea stuff would hold up. Esp. the Expedit shelving...max weight of what, 29 lbs. per shelf? Unless you cats have reinforced the shit out of them.

yeah, like i said the bonde's are the sturdiest of them. plus you can't beat 2x6 if you need to maximum space usage unless you build your own. anyway if you want to see some super serious units (with accompanying price tags) check out the billy bags stuff on audioadvisor.com

Also, what do you cats know about Gothic Cabinet Craft? Super low price-point, but is that because they are super-standard (bland) in design (as well as unfinished)?:


i have a couple of their pine cd towers and they're ok... sort of on the rustic tip in terms of look/construction if you get my drift. also relative to the ikea stuff you'll be paying through the nose to get plywood vs particle board. you may also want to check out

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  heBAY said:
Ha. Honestly, after doing some research/max shelf weight comparisons, I don't see how much of the Ikea stuff would hold up. Esp. the Expedit shelving...max weight of what, 29 lbs. per shelf? Unless you cats have reinforced the shit out of them.

On the flip, I've found these:


A little more affordable than the Boltz stuff (which seem like a very A-1 way to go)...yet still seem sturdy (built strictly for the job, so to speak).

Also, what do you cats know about Gothic Cabinet Craft? Super low price-point, but is that because they are super-standard (bland) in design (as well as unfinished)?:


The Ikea stuff is plenty strong, as long as you set it up correctly and don't put it together and take it apart a bunch of times. I've had my 5x5 packed full for 3 years and have never had a problem, no sagging or broken pins or anything.

Gothic Cabint is decent stuff, but pretty generic. It's real wood though, as mentioned, so it's significantly more money, and way heavier. And you probably will not be able to take that stuff apart.

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  readytoignite said:
yeah, like i said the bonde's are the sturdiest of them. plus you can't beat 2x6 if you need to maximum space usage unless you build your own. anyway if you want to see some super serious units (with accompanying price tags) check out the billy bags stuff on audioadvisor.com

i have a couple of their pine cd towers and they're ok... sort of on the rustic tip in terms of look/construction if you get my drift. also relative to the ikea stuff you'll be paying through the nose to get plywood vs particle board. you may also want to check out

Jeebus man. That Billy Bags shit is crazy! In every sense of the word.

The Bonde's are the sturdiest? At 29 lbs max per shelf (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/57300310)? I think the shit Mike Lowrey posted was strongest, no (or are we just talking about best construction here)?

  arem said:
The Ikea stuff is plenty strong, as long as you set it up correctly and don't put it together and take it apart a bunch of times. I've had my 5x5 packed full for 3 years and have never had a problem, no sagging or broken pins or anything.

Gothic Cabint is decent stuff, but pretty generic. It's real wood though, as mentioned, so it's significantly more money, and way heavier. And you probably will not be able to take that stuff apart.

Do you have your Ikea 5x5 tacked to the wall?

I'ma have to go by GCC and see what's up...because I've recently read some hilarious stories of their beds on ApTherapy.

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Seriously...after having done a good amount of furniture browsing/shopping over the last 14 days or so...I'm considering building the shit myself...or opting to get some custom built. Recent day wood craftsmanship, retail-wise, is quite funny to me...esp. for the price tag they slap on that shit.

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