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Plane safety procedures trying to kill you


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taken from mythbustersresults.com

The brace position was actually designed by the airline industry to kill people rather than save them during an airplane crash in order to save money by paying off wrongful death suits rather than continuous injury compensations.


The brace position protected the test subject (Buster) from serious and possibly fatal injuries. When the test subject was not braced he received far more serious injuries.

(There is a grain of truth to this myth, however: It was learned through research that the amount of money paid by airlines in wrongful death suits is lower than the amount of money paid for injury compensation.)"

there, thread over.

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Even if mythbusters is right how does sliding out the crashing plane's wing on that inflatable thing holding your seatbottom actually do anything?

There has never been a commercial aircraft that has actually successfully crash-landed in water, so that whole scenario is pretty much a joke.

Truth is, if you're going down, the last of your worries should be your positioning; you pretty much have a .000002% chance of survival anyways.

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I've heard some statistic that i can't back up at all that 90% of people survive the intitial crashes, and that most die from smoke inhalation, drowning, burns, eaten by sharkcs, etc...the impact rarely kills them.

this is, apparently, partially due to that seating position

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I've heard some statistic that i can't back up at all that 90% of people survive the intitial crashes, and that most die from smoke inhalation, drowning, burns, eaten by sharkcs, etc...the impact rarely kills them.

this is, apparently, partially due to that seating position

I heard this too but I think I'd rather die from the crash.

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i think they don't make the whole plane out of the black box material because it would take a billion pounds of jet fuel to fly and tickets for even the shortest flights would be affordable only to people named walton, gates, or murdoch.

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gonna hijack this thread (har har) but when i was flying across the states we encountered a few planes (mostly over colorado i think) that were spewing pure black jetstreams .. anyone know what these were .. ??

i could totally ask someone else but by the time i get off the computer i'll have forgotten cause .. it .. doesnt matter

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