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The Official "Help Knucks Master The Pounani" Thread


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  Wesley Pipes said:
Why is we fighting? I though we were supposed to help my man knucks "Master dat Pounani"

While we're on the subject, I really dont like like any of your posts. Your character is obnoxious.

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  KyleFall said:
I consider this terrible advice.

Attractiveness is not about "relying on your looks". People do not choose who they are attracted to, they are simply attracted to them. You can easily influence women to be attracted to you, regardless of your physical appearance. Obviously if you are a complete and utter slob, you're going to have problems but if you are just an average looking guy, there are other ways to build attraction.

I agree that women are attracted to men with money and strong social images. but that contradicts your statement about relying on looks. You don't need to achieve anything OTHER than attractiveness. If she is attracted to you she obviously thinks about you, and enjoys being around you. Thus, your A B & C are really all the same thing.

Soo true. It's kind of unfair that guys can get away with being kinda uggo as long as they've got a good personality whereas girls in those situations struggle a lot more. Oh vhell.

  Cotton Duck said:
Stating that girls are only into looks and money/power is Sexist!

Acting like that certainly won't get you any girl who is worth something in the long run...

Definitely...though from what I've gathered, this thread seems to be about picking up girls who you're going to bang and then never talk to again until you see them at the next party and relive the experience.

But the whole thing about acting disinterested and not talking to her for six months until you run into her again is the lamest thing I've ever heard. Any girl with even an ounce of self-respect would forget about you and not bother once they ran into you again, because frankly it doesn't really make her feel very desirable or well-liked if they're ignored entirely in the meantime (i've been treated this way before (on a smaller scale), and I was so pissed off about it that I swore I'd not bother with the guy any more). Granted, if you are going after the type of girl that would give you head in the bathroom during the party to a stranger, they probably don't have an ounce of self-respect as is, so I suppose the method would work. You'll probably get herpes though.

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^^well i dunno. i think that some of what i was saying earlier is really meant to maintain a girl's interest, as well as generate it in the first place. it is about being relaxed and confident. about being yourself and being secure in being yourself. that is a necessity in keeping a girl interested. nothing kills a womans interest faster than a needy and insecure man. we chase that which retreats from us...

a big part of what i was saying was that it is vital not to try too hard. in any way, or at any time. meaning the beginning, middle or end of the relationship. for 2 reasons:

one - it turns off the girl when you appear desperate or clingy. over-emphasizing certain aspects of your personality is transparent and appears desperate.

two - it is damaging to your own self esteem when you put forth too much effort and focus a lot of energy and then fail. and lower self esteem = less appealing to women. i am not saying don't try at all. i am saying that if you place too much value on "succeeding" with any one new girl, then inevitably you will fail. if your happiness is based on her approval, then you are set up to fail. your self esteem is jacked. and u come across as the kind of guy that will do too much taking and not enough giving (the type of giving that matters anyway).

also, especially in the early days with someone, there are just too many variables beyond your control, a major one being "chemistry". so be aware of that and be cool with that. you win some and you lose some but you are cool either way. don't just try to be that way. be that way. because it is true. you will be ok either way...

edit - of course you have to give a girl attention, especially when you start dating. everyone wants to feel wanted. its just about having balance, that's all.

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  dolly said:
But the whole thing about acting disinterested and not talking to her for six months until you run into her again is the lamest thing I've ever heard. Any girl with even an ounce of self-respect would forget about you and not bother once they ran into you again, because frankly it doesn't really make her feel very desirable or well-liked if they're ignored entirely in the meantime (i've been treated this way before (on a smaller scale), and I was so pissed off about it that I swore I'd not bother with the guy any more). Granted, if you are going after the type of girl that would give you head in the bathroom during the party to a stranger, they probably don't have an ounce of self-respect as is, so I suppose the method would work. You'll probably get herpes though.

quoted for truth, an abundance of truth.

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The whole acting like your not intersted game is lame as shit, cause your acting. sure you should not be on all fours and licking her fucking ass (that comes later dude! ;). but you should be you, and not act like anything other than you. if thats going to work out, good, but if your fronting on what your bringining to the table, your not going to sit there for long before they see the real you, that your so fucking afraid to be that your hiding it.

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