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NEED ADVICE....Opening Boutique Store****Undisclosed Canadian Location****


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I think that with all new stores you should tread carefully with your first season.

Remember most of what is liked and revered on ST probably will not sell in the quantities you are talking about to the general public.

I have experience of a man who gambled his whole fortune (well 90%) on one season. In theory there is a bigger return but if first season jitters hit then he had nothing to get through next season, no turnover in capital. Which is exactly what happened.

So my best advice would be stock 66% of what you would like to, leaving much more money in reserve than what you think is necessary.

A well respected retailing friend of mine told me in the current climate expect to not sell anything and if it does than thats a bonus!!!! lol hes a pessimist.

I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

[url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

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Quote: Also I am kind of worried that because I am not "known" by the supposed "in" community it will be difficult for me to get stock from certain dealers. Many of the brands that I would like to focus on have very limited distribution in Canada and none what so ever for my particular market, does this leave me at a disadvantage?

i'll be straight up honest with you. yes, it matters. you won't have that "street cred" cause you're the (excuse the expression) new kid on the block. in fact, if you attempt to carry anything similar to what the existing boutiques in toronto stock they will probably try to cockblock you. they'll muster whatever clout they have to stop you from receiving or getting an account. but hey, that's business!

behind all the smiling shop owners faces are ruthless/selfish people out to get their own - don't forget that. most ppl will say, yah this shop is dope cause of the decor and the staff are friendly but seriously does that really matter?

the average consumer doesn't care about who you are or who you know... IMO, it's all about PRICE & VALUE! beat them with the price game. i don't care how wack your shop may be, but if you sell things lower than they do AT LEAST i will buy. prices in toronto are stagnant and fixed at whatever the shops deem to be. and frankly, we have no choice because that's all we have to pick from.

i'm just speaking from a consumer point of view on how i think it can work. don't take it as gospel. good luck with the store. toronto needs healthy competition.

i KNOW YOU, and you know me,

it's the SOB story, the SOB story...


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The ***undisclosed*** location is neither toronto or vancouver....does this leave me at an advantage or disadvantage. I would think advantage as there are no stockists. I understand that if I were to open the store in Toronto or Vancouver I would be pushedout by the politics of retail. However the location I have chosen has no representation what so ever.

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The ***undisclosed*** location is neither toronto or vancouver....does this leave me at an advantage or disadvantage. I would think advantage as there are no stockists. I understand that if I were to open the store in Toronto or Vancouver I would be pushedout by the politics of retail. However the location I have chosen has no representation what so ever.

--- Original message by flex1 on Oct 12, 2005 12:22 PM


That is true, but you also have to ask yourself then - if there's no current distribution at your undisclosed location, is that because no real market/demand exists there?

Just something to think about...

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I think there is a legitimate unexposed market. People are just not exposed to the many different brands out there and they have a sort of tunnel vision gravitating to your typical brands such as diesel, energie etc. I think the market is ready and is in need of a change.

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Take it from me on this one. What your shop looks like, and how "in" you are doesn't really matter. We have been in biz for 5 yars now and carry some of the best lines you can get short of being an uber high end boutique. Most of the sales reps from companies don't care about "in" or "out" they just want their line to sell through so your happy with your oder which makes them money. They also want their product sitting next to like minded brands. We have sort of a mash up store that looks like a shitty dive bar meets a thrift shop. Both Bill and I have a pretty homeless guy in nice shit feel to us. We do pure contemporary streetwear at an affordable price. We don't sell online. We just offer the best shit for what we do, and do it cheaper than anyone else in the area. Thats the main way to succede. I hope that helps.

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