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nevermind, i took my head out of my ass.


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for my final paper in highschool i used davinci code as one of three books that the entire paper was based on, and having never read a page of the book i found an upload of the entire book as a word doc on some arabic site, makes searching for quotes to pull much easier. ctrl+f for the win if you can find it on the net which im sure you can

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for my final paper in highschool i used davinci code as one of three books that the entire paper was based on, and having never read a page of the book i found an upload of the entire book as a word doc on some arabic site, makes searching for quotes to pull much easier. ctrl+f for the win if you can find it on the net which im sure you can

What the HELL paper can you write that cites the DaVinci code.

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i dont recall but im almost positive it was bad. but dood it was highschool, could have quoted from the instructions to candy land and it all woulda came out the same

edit: also to this day i have no idea what the book is really about so i could have quoted completely wrong but the grade was good so holla at ya boi

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Hatchet was coolIs this now the "books you read in elementary/middle school" thread? Can it be?

What about the Giver? Where the Red Fern Grows (i didn't cry but i had a hard time swallowing)? Island of the Blue Dolphin? The Phantom Tollbooth? Number the Stars? Anything by Judy Blume? All Matt Christopher sports books (the kid who only hit homers, slam dunk, etc...)?

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Hatchet was coolIs this now the "books you read in elementary/middle school" thread? Can it be?

What about the Giver? Where the Red Fern Grows (i didn't cry but i had a hard time swallowing)? Island of the Blue Dolphin? The Phantom Tollbooth? Number the Stars? Anything by Judy Blume? All Matt Christopher sports books (the kid who only hit homers, slam dunk, etc...)?

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry.

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