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Thought on APC

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Information we gather from boards, websites, conversations go into our heads......we create thoughs based on the information.......and then we may just well.....start making speculative comments.

I think you have a very valid point though........but are any of SF board members ever going to know the innner workings of the A.P.C company, I think not. I think the only person/persons that can answer these questions in great factual detail are the A.P.C production manager or the accountant, or the machinist for that matter, making the Jeans.

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I'm not buying APC until the French promise to pull out of Vietnam.

Oh sorry that has already happened, it's just that I have been frozen in time waiting for my Imperial Raw Selvages to be worn in.

You see they offer this service where they cryogenically freeze you for 100 years. Before they freeze you they harvest DNA to create three clones of you over the 100 years you are frozen.

During this time these clones are brought up in a self contained world in which they believe that the earth has been contatiminated with some sort of killer pathogen. I know it sounds very much like "the island" but the guys at Imperial have little imagination thats why they are doing selvage denim.

Anyway, instead of those crazy silvery suits, the compulsory uniform is the jeans and tshirts. Over the 100 years your clones slowly wear in the Imperials and voile - one second you are asleep with raw denim the next you have a perfectly worn in pair.

Note well your clones are well treated and apart from the obvious discomfort of wearing in a raw pair they live a pretty happy life.

Sign up for a free trial...

I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

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Quote: Whya re you continually suggesting that APC is the Official Jean of this board

um, hello 18 pages...


I also find the whole if you don't own a pair you can't know arguement to be very faulty, because how many off you throwing dirt on Prps here and Red Monkey, and so many other brand that you people critcize, actually own those brands? hypocrit much?

and again I repeat, the most consistant comment that I've heard numerous places about APC is simply that its good for being cheap in its genre. The guy ya'll wanted to vote for president, even basically reiteratedconcepts which I said, its just nice for the price. People are saying how do you know APC's stretch and numerous other things, and its not like just one person said it, its been said here several times as well, and I'm also not the only person questioning the brands quality. Many of you claim I have some sort of agenda when ya'll are so vehement and rude about ya'll assertations, that actually looks funnier then anything I've said

--- Original message by jjs home on Oct 4, 2005 02:14 PM

picking out and carping on certain details of apcs is nothing like what has been said on here about prps or red monkey. alot of the red monkey talk is that they arent worth the price and are very overated. which is true. no pair of regular normal jeans should be anywhere near the price range of rmc, also alot of people on here hate the cuts. same goes with fit about prps. also alot of people dont like the washes. no one is breaking down quality and other aspects of them like you have.
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you guys have no humour.

again my sig is a belief not a job. For all you that took offense at my product placement in that little humourous aside please replace with Nudie RRDS or APC or whatever other little pet brand you have...mine happens to be Imperial.

I'll let you guys get back to your bitching now sorry to have tried to lighten it up a little.

I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

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Funny thing is the questions haven't been answered like that, only my motives have been questioned

Some people have tried to defend the brand with very little validity behind their arguments, meaning no real comparisons, very little reasoning with some sort of explanation or information and so on. Some have been fairly objective and reasonable in their responses which have been fairly helpful

I also find it funny that folks are saying, that I'm the one who is rude and abrasive, when I've asked clear questions and posed simple ideas. I find it funny my intelligence is questioned as too why folks can't grasp some of the clear concept I've put foward. For example the idea of more poorly made product aimed at cheaper, less meticulous consumers. People are acting like thats a concept which doesn't already exist not only in the fashion market place, but every marketplace. the fact that basic logic is called rudeness is hilarious too me, when the only time I feel I digressed is towards those who were immediatly rude towards me, and again, I wasn't being rude, I simlpy respond to people in the way they show they are comfortable speaking. if you can only talk like an asshole chances are you can only understand the language of asshole, but thats whatever.

i also find it funny people assume that the only methods they choose to use to obtain information are the same as my own. If you really think reading one thing by BLaco is what created my opinion your knowledge of how I come to understand these things is laughable to me. Clothes are my interest and a large part of my career at this point, so if you really think its that hard for me to find more on a brand in places other then Niketalk and superfuture, you aren't really getting it. theres plenty or stores, people, and webistes which ya'll have made fuly available to all of us already just on this site, or do ya'll so soon forget. I could have gone to any store ya'll posted, asked any person in the industry, or viewed thousands of cultivated denim pictures to form these opinion, yet because all you do is read a few message boards thats gotta be all I do, ha. Then again I also see it as self preservation, because you love the brand, just spent 300 on two pairs or whatever else. To even react the way many of you have shows some kind of insecurity about the whole situation, so that speaks too. The fact so many have to be so abrasive about these concepts speaks alot as is, and I'll just leave it at that.

I ask because I wanna know because it interests me and because theres money in this game. Whats other motivation do I need to ask? What do get out of anything else? it would be silly. It seems a little self-important of a person to think anything else, and again that speaks for whatever

Those who feel insulted by any of this should feel so because you insulted yourself. i just spoke it as I've seen it about the product and about what ya'll have said here. i just asked questions which smoe of yall took as accusations as opposed to simple answerable questions, opsed to the community, not for just a single nidividual to answer as though that was the benefit I was looking for. Its obvious here whos confident about themselves, their choices in products, their knowledge, and everything else, those who don't show that maybe ya'll need to start re-evaluating ya'll opinions and other things because certani actions make you look a certain type of way



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Why so much feeling and hate on this thread?

APC damn you, you are tearing us apart. I wasn't even buying into the discussion and I got cained.

By the way Imperial also offer, for the right price, authentic worn-in dry denim. They have purchased an entire sub-saharan village and are now coercing all the villagers to wear dry denim for at least 12 months before washing the garments. If they do not comply they are shot...

But the good news is ... wait for it ... ready to wear 1 wash/12 month raw denim.

Apply here... by the way for those humourless fiends in this thread Imperial have not bought a whole african village and obviously do not shoot anyone.

I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

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Funny thing is the questions haven't been answered like that, only my motives have been questioned

Some people have tried to defend the brand with very little validity behind their arguments, meaning no real comparisons, very little reasoning with some sort of explanation or information and so on. Some have been fairly objective and reasonable in their responses which have been fairly helpful

I also find it funny that folks are saying, that I'm the one who is rude and abrasive, when I've asked clear questions and posed simple ideas. I find it funny my intelligence is questioned as too why folks can't grasp some of the clear concept I've put foward. For example the idea of more poorly made product aimed at cheaper, less meticulous consumers. People are acting like thats a concept which doesn't already exist not only in the fashion market place, but every marketplace. the fact that basic logic is called rudeness is hilarious too me, when the only time I feel I digressed is towards those who were immediatly rude towards me, and again, I wasn't being rude, I simlpy respond to people in the way they show they are comfortable speaking. if you can only talk like an asshole chances are you can only understand the language of asshole, but thats whatever.

i also find it funny people assume that the only methods they choose to use to obtain information are the same as my own. If you really think reading one thing by BLaco is what created my opinion your knowledge of how I come to understand these things is laughable to me. Clothes are my interest and a large part of my career at this point, so if you really think its that hard for me to find more on a brand in places other then Niketalk and superfuture, you aren't really getting it. theres plenty or stores, people, and webistes which ya'll have made fuly available to all of us already just on this site, or do ya'll so soon forget. I could have gone to any store ya'll posted, asked any person in the industry, or viewed thousands of cultivated denim pictures to form these opinion, yet because all you do is read a few message boards thats gotta be all I do, ha. Then again I also see it as self preservation, because you love the brand, just spent 300 on two pairs or whatever else. To even react the way many of you have shows some kind of insecurity about the whole situation, so that speaks too. The fact so many have to be so abrasive about these concepts speaks alot as is, and I'll just leave it at that.

I ask because I wanna know because it interests me and because theres money in this game. Whats other motivation do I need to ask? What do get out of anything else? it would be silly. It seems a little self-important of a person to think anything else, and again that speaks for whatever

Those who feel insulted by any of this should feel so because you insulted yourself. i just spoke it as I've seen it about the product and about what ya'll have said here. i just asked questions which smoe of yall took as accusations as opposed to simple answerable questions, opsed to the community, not for just a single nidividual to answer as though that was the benefit I was looking for. Its obvious here whos confident about themselves, their choices in products, their knowledge, and everything else, those who don't show that maybe ya'll need to start re-evaluating ya'll opinions and other things because certani actions make you look a certain type of way


--- Original message by jjs home on Oct 4, 2005 07:29 PM

youre just rambling on about nothing. you assume so much and come off as way too arrogant. if you so strongly believe whatever you want to about apc then why even bother asking other peoples opinions? i understand youre curious or whatever because thats what you say but you take absolutely 0 other opinions into consideration. this thread is
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ok i lost track of the argument after the 7th post...regardless of where it's at, I just want to put in my vote for "hell no do APCs wear down fast!!" I wore my first pair relentlessly for months, sleeping in them, working out in them and they are no where near the stage of wear that the often posted "denim porn" pics have their jeans at.

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Adsurgo, how am I rambling?

I've given my thoughts on exactly what has been addressed in this thread and how it has been addressed, I'd love to know what I have rambled about

What have I assumed?

I have asked many question and offered possibilities that make sense to me

I really haven't assumed anything so I fail to see how I can come off as arrogant, if anything those people making insulting posts attempting to demean me telling me I'm stupid or to shut the hell up have shown people for what they are, not able to have a civil discussion without disrespecting themselves. Maybe I could feel more respect to you, your opinions, and those like you, if you didn't react so poorly.

You sound silly, I have asked questions, some people have sung APCs praises, Some have said they aren't that amazing, just good for being a cheap selvedge denim, and others have responded like snotty childeren. i have taken it all into account in reading this, the problem with the people who react like childeren is that they don't care to recognize where I have acknowlodged it and will just act like blithering babies until I fall into their exact line of opinions. Just because I didn't post gold stars for every point and opinion that contradicts my own doesn't mean I havent heard it or taken note. The problem is that 70% of this post is wild disrespect, and more people have wanted to attack me then defend APC

It looks funny that you are so against me having a voice. Are your feelnigs hurt? did I offend you? What the Fuck it wrong with you? If what I said was so stupid to you why are you taking it so seriously to the point you feel I need a message board gag order? it just looks wierd. The exact last thing you said is directed at me, but it hits you nail on the head. if you could present your thoughts like an adult maybe I could take them as such and say "wow this guy seems to really think this brand is that great.", but you dno't so I can't, all I can do is notice how you act and judge what it says. Whatever, maybe I can continue discussing things when you actually address the questions I have posed, but if you're just gonna be insulting I'm gonna look at other peoples thoughts only.

As far as the guy who said "why question APC's construct?" I just say, "why not?"

I'm curious, I do want to know, it is interesting, and whats even crazier is the wildly rude reactions I've gotten for no good reason. I fail to see how what I've said isn't possible, and whether it is or isn't the exact truth, so what,its just a question.

As far as saying the way people have bashed brands like Prps and Red Monkey on this board aren't similar, I fail to see that. the problem is the fact that they attack DO their quality, when they mean to simlpy say they don't like their cuts or designs. People have actually been very extreme and incorrect in their criticism of these brands for the simple reason that they aren't what they like. Red Monkey make shitty quality selvedge that isn't worth the money, and Prps makes crappy jeans with crappy washes are exact opinions which I have heard here, so what you're saying isn't really true. I'd rather it was, but its seems people have to tear down the next guy just to validate their guy, which is stupid. i haven't even dnoe that, I've just asked questions and presented possibilities and observations and I've been treated far far worse. its boarderline hysterical in comparison, and yet you dno't see me telling people "shut the fuck up', "don't have an opinion" or "kill yourself" and shit like that

its crazy, and it does look funny, and I dno't mean you any disrespect seeing it as so, but thats just how I have seen those situations


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jjs, you are so conceited you can't see pass your own nose.

in several posts, particularly my first one, people have listed several characteristics they thought APC has done very well, i.e. nice construction, attention to detail, fabric, design, etc.,.

no one has conceded that APC is the best of the best. however, with the attributes listed here and ad infinitum in the APC threat, it is quite clear that they make a very good product for the money, perhaps the best value. is there anything else to be desired? of course! but i like the fact they they've kept they pricing (well, not so much after the price hike) relatively reasonable in comparison to others. would i consider it if APC produces a natural indigo dyed selvage jeans for $400? perhaps. until they go for that level of quality, i am sufficiently happy with what they make now.

why do you keep harping up verbiage without a clear purpose?

if you don't believe anything you see here, it is entirely your right to do so. however, go see a pair of APC jeans for yourself, then you will at least be able to make an educated argument.

i'm done talking to a rock.

"God is Dead" - Nietzsche icon_smile_angry.gif

"Nietzsche is Dead" - God icon_smile_cool.gif

Edited by darknworn on Oct 4, 2005 at 09:04 PM

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You call all of this NOT rambling?

is it possible that APC really isn't as quality brand as SF has been saying lately?

like I know APC is most of ya'lls favorite brand of all time on this site, but is it possible that the reason that they are so popular is because they directly serve the current trend in denim, which is being able to be broken in extreemly fast? I'm far from a denim expert compared to certain truly knowledgeable folks who post here, but doesn't it seem that APC's wear out almost too quickly and then stretch in contact areas too severaly?

is it possible that APC is just not that great denim, with poor dye jobs that make it easier for them to give the desired naturally faded look in a shorter time span? like I've seen some worn in APCs where the knees look like old parachute pants and the wear in creases, wiskers, and honey combs look like the indago was just sluffed off.

think about it. They are one of the cheapest selvedge brands out, and they show to break in extremly quickly for many here, like suspiciously too quickly. It seems as if they've caught the exact wave of superficiality that has proppeled them foward lately. the trend is breaknig in jeans yourself, and what better way to capitaize then making a jean thats so crappily handled that even a newbie trend hopper can break in a pair plenty fast

again I don't know, I'm just an observer, but it does seem weird that these things get chipped up in 4 weeks and get granny panty knees after real wear

eevryone feel fre to ad thought, I'm interested to see what the real afficianados have to say

just because APC has been making jeans doesn't mean they didn't

A. Always make them fairly crappy or

B. just start maknig them more crappy because crappy equals more desired for the current market

I hear all the arguments, no one makes jeans like this for this price, but for that simple reason that argument is pretty much viod, if no one else is making cheap selvedge jeans then of cuorse they'd be the best ones like them, because there are no other like them

I won't argue tahts simple and thats fnie, it really doesn't relate into what I've said. you definetly get no money no design with APCs ist just the denim and thats fine, because itd not like they are getting you for any price points there

as far as stretching goes, I dunno they didn't look like super tight jeans, they looked wild stretched for no reason

this is what I'm seenig I waiting for some real experts to chime in

I don't see whats hard to grasp abuot me saying, maybe they just statrted maknig them more crappy now. Many companies down shift their quality when they start to grow, because producing in greater volumes costs a great deal more when you stay with premium materials, so to create a lower risk you sell goods of less quality materials so that nicase you flop you lose less money. Its far from a silly concept in fact many brands do it. Right now APC is seeing an influx of new trend follownig buyers who really don't know jack about what they are buying, so why would it matter to APC no that level. Right now cheaper production costs and greater sales numbers would be a perfect marriage for a brand that could possible get took through the ringer like so many other brands that experience this type of growth. Its like selvedge denim with training wheels. make it cheap and easy to wear in so the new comers feel special about breaking in their first pair, whats unreasonable about that as a possibility?

I also fail to see whats silly about me saying the brand has no real competitors. Who else is making 140 dollar selvedge jeans? How long Have they been doing so? I feel that concept supports itself.

As far as saying I'm speaking about the words that Pete said, you're right, I am. Whats wrong with that? Why would that matter, that guys thuoghts on that brand holds a little more weight then folks claiming Evisu sucks now and so on. How would repeating the words of smo

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again proving my points

I stated my purpose, I wanted as many intelligent opinions as possible. The problem is I've gotten about 5-10 opinions, and then the rest just wanna attack me, again I say for what reason?

I'd love to know where I have been conceited, or how I am a rock? i haven't even negated any statement you or adsurgo has made recently, just the way ya'll talk to people

I've hardly even given an observation on the brand in the last 20 posts, I've mostly just defended my self from rediculous acusations

If you're happy with the brand then why does it have to be all this stuipd shit "you're a rock" "don't have a public opinion", like I said the shit looks stupid

beyond that I have been to the APC store several times just to see the products, so you fall short there


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possibly whereever you want me to work, or what gap you need filled is up for discussion, from working directly with clothes to freelance writing

feel free to inquire about anything

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Quote: this thread is pretty much over. you think you know more about what youre talking about than you do and no one is going to be able to change that.

--- Original message by adsurgo on Oct 4, 2005 07:53 PM


Edited by adsurgo on Oct 4, 2005 at 10:05 PM

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stop writing essays trying to defend yourself. no one is going to explain anything to you. crawl out of your love for yourself and see what EVERYBODY besides you sees. like i said before this thread is over... this is my last post in this thread so...

post another manifesto and get the last word you o so mature adult.

what does stubborn mean?

Edited by adsurgo on Oct 4, 2005 at 10:01 PM

Edited by adsurgo on Oct 4, 2005 at 11:43 PM

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adsurgo you've really impressed


I am available for employment,

full time, part time, & consulting, depending on the numbers

I am willing to work for major companies, brands, stores, and magazines

possibly whereever you want me to work, or what gap you need filled is up for discussion, from working directly with clothes to freelance writing

feel free to inquire about anything

contact email: [email protected]

Edited by jjs home on Oct 4, 2005 at 10:25 PM

Edited by jjs home on Oct 4, 2005 at 10:26 PM

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I didn't read some of the stuff posted but did you take into accoutn that maybe APC just has a way to make a great pair of jeans and price them decently too? I'm sure you know that high price may not correspond to quality and that low price stuff may not necessarily imply poor quality. Thus I see no real affect to this thread other than to observe other people's reactions when you say APC may be bad quality/ gotten bad recently.

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this is the bottomline. you read a lot of stuff on denim from different people. it seems like, based on APC's long thread that it's the favored brand for most of us here.

you get to read the countless arguements and what have you on all aspects of the denim. in the end, it is you who decide which pair is really something you desire. this is obviously out of all the things you've read and digested in this forum.

you go and buy yourself a pair like I did. i'm happy with my purchase because of certain qualities that appeal to me. period. in the end, it is your judgement that makes you contented and not what others think should be the norm.

might as well stop reading this forum if you don't think that you do not benefit from what people say here. whether right or wrong, you be the judge and base your actions accordingly.

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I've never had a problem with APC's quality. I like the way they're jeans fit. I've had 501XX 55's and 44's and the fit was terrible. It was like I left my arse in my other jeans! Maybe they are priced as they should be and we're being ripped off by everyone else.

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Adsurgo, how am I rambling?

I've given my thoughts on exactly what has been addressed in this thread and how it has been addressed, I'd love to know what I have rambled about

What have I assumed?

I have asked many question and offered possibilities that make sense to me

I really haven't assumed anything so I fail to see how I can come off as arrogant, if anything those people making insulting posts attempting to demean me telling me I'm stupid or to shut the hell up have shown people for what they are, not able to have a civil discussion without disrespecting themselves. Maybe I could feel more respect to you, your opinions, and those like you, if you didn't react so poorly.

You sound silly, I have asked questions, some people have sung APCs praises, Some have said they aren't that amazing, just good for being a cheap selvedge denim, and others have responded like snotty childeren. i have taken it all into account in reading this, the problem with the people who react like childeren is that they don't care to recognize where I have acknowlodged it and will just act like blithering babies until I fall into their exact line of opinions. Just because I didn't post gold stars for every point and opinion that contradicts my own doesn't mean I havent heard it or taken note. The problem is that 70% of this post is wild disrespect, and more people have wanted to attack me then defend APC

It looks funny that you are so against me having a voice. Are your feelnigs hurt? did I offend you? What the Fuck it wrong with you? If what I said was so stupid to you why are you taking it so seriously to the point you feel I need a message board gag order? it just looks wierd. The exact last thing you said is directed at me, but it hits you nail on the head. if you could present your thoughts like an adult maybe I could take them as such and say "wow this guy seems to really think this brand is that great.", but you dno't so I can't, all I can do is notice how you act and judge what it says. Whatever, maybe I can continue discussing things when you actually address the questions I have posed, but if you're just gonna be insulting I'm gonna look at other peoples thoughts only.

As far as the guy who said "why question APC's construct?" I just say, "why not?"

I'm curious, I do want to know, it is interesting, and whats even crazier is the wildly rude reactions I've gotten for no good reason. I fail to see how what I've said isn't possible, and whether it is or isn't the exact truth, so what,its just a question.

As far as saying the way people have bashed brands like Prps and Red Monkey on this board aren't similar, I fail to see that. the problem is the fact that they attack DO their quality, when they mean to simlpy say they don't like their cuts or designs. People have actually been very extreme and incorrect in their criticism of these brands for the simple reason that they aren't what they like. Red Monkey make shitty quality selvedge that isn't worth the money, and Prps makes crappy jeans with crappy washes are exact opinions which I have heard here, so what you're saying isn't really true. I'd rather it was, but its seems people have to tear down the next guy just to validate their guy, which is stupid. i haven't even dnoe that, I've just asked questions and presented possibilities and observations and I've been treated far far worse. its boarderline hysterical in comparison, and yet you dno't see me telling people "shut the fuck up', "don't have an opinion" or "kill yourself" and shit like that

its crazy, and it does look funny, and I dno't mean you any disrespect seeing it as so, but thats just how I have seen those situations

--- Original message by jjs home on Oct 4, 2005 08:36 PM

christ, you just wrote more there than i did for my final year thesis.. your advertising yourself as a freelance writer and you ramble on more than my 84 year old granny. the fun
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okay, haven't taken all the time to read ALL the posts here, so forgive me if i am repeating something somebody else has already stated...

i've never had a pair a APC's but i would like to post my 2¢ about this subject...

denim by nature fades in color... indigo is a terrible dyestuff, meaning it does not stick to your jeans well... the indigo wears off, obviously. for this reason, denim mills dip dye the yarns multiple times... some more than others. some denims are dipped more for stronger/darker color, and some dipped less for a lighter shade. just because APCs fade faster doesn't mean that it is any lesser quality.

there are also diff kinds of indigo dyestuff. theres true indigo, which is the "real thing." but there are also sulfur-based indigos... some fabrics might be true indigo, some might have a indigo bottom dye and a sulfur top... all these things factor into how your denim is going to look, fade, wash out.

to say that APC is bad quality b/c they fade faster is a bit of a stretch... there's more to a quality jean than just that.

fabric, fit, sewing quality, thread quality, hardware... all these also factor in whether a jean is "good quality" or not...

from what i can tell, US $120 for APC is a pretty fair deal... they're made from selvage, shuttle loom goods, which easily at least double or much more than the denims made from air jet looms goods cost.

they save money b/c there is no expensive wash on the jeans...

these days, the wash is a HUGE factor on why jeans are so expensive... so think that you're saving money by making your own personal "wash" on your APC jeans. how frugal of you.

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  • 1 month later...

I like the following about APC:

the cut

the design (I hate any pocket stitching)

the color (every brand is different and I like the gray/blue color)

the price (quite honestly I think they should be $110 but there is nothing else in this price range that I like)

availability (my favorite pair of jeans are some stussy raws but they are no longer available, I would rather buy a pair of readily available APCs then scour ebay for 18 months)

So your whole argument is about how they arent worth the price, that they are overhyped right now because of the demand. Well guess what they just went from $120 to $140 so you are right.Other than that, what are you talking about?

Edited by Tarmac on Nov 14, 2005 at 12:16 PM

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