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official jesus redux threak: postcolonial edition!

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i think the time has come for a brave young white man to step up to the plate and die for the white man's collective historical sins

today's white man washes his hands of responsibility with the temporal convenience of colonialism, "our grandfathers are already dead!" they cry... "we did nothing wrong!"

hah, i still see threads of blood washing down the drain, i still smell iron beneath the stinging alcohol bouquet of purel hand sanitizer

and still! no one will leave this land your ancestors took, people still think reverend wright is a batshit crazy conspiracist, the supreme court regresses closer and closer to de facto jim crow, indian americans at gas stations whom are mistaken for islamic terrorists are shot in gas stations by armed white lunatics and the white man walks the earth in a dizzying arrogance and disrespect for his fellow man

there is only one realistic way to call it even, and that is a blood sacrifice of one of your white men for all the world to see. i think he should be crucified in front of the white house and the event broadcast on all national news networks, this only seems fair

okay maybe two, or even three crucifixions

you know, as a mixed-blood, a be ta we si a ki, ive never been too sure of anything regarding racial identity, responsibility or ethnicity, but i feel damn sure about this idea

so post your nominees for a white man martyr here!

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These white men aren't young, but I would mind seeing at least Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, Mark Levin/Limbaugh, Hannity/O'Reilly disappear--they don't necessarily need to die physically just die in all other public/influential ways.

Can we nominate white women too--because then it's really easy for me to hone in on the first white person who should be sacraficed: Ann Coulter. She deserves an unfortunate yet accidental death for being such a stupid, hateful bitch.

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Jesus was black. LOL

These white men aren't young, but I would mind seeing at least Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, Mark Levin/Limbaugh, Hannity/O'Reilly disappear--they don't necessarily need to die physically just die in all other public/influential ways.

Can we nominate white women too--because then it's really easy for me to hone in on the first white person who should be sacraficed: Ann Coulter. She deserves an unfortunate yet accidental death for being such a stupid, hateful bitch.

That can't work because in order for it to be at all similar to Jesus' death, the sacrifice would have to be an unblemished goat; Ann Coulter is no unblemished goat. I'm trying to think of someone who hasn't done anything wrong but I can't so ...everyone dies.

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That can't work because in order for it to be at all similar to Jesus' death, the sacrifice would have to be an unblemished goat; Ann Coulter is no unblemished goat.

qft. She has taken it in her gaping chocolate faucet so many times; no way she is unblemished. what a bitch!

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all these volunteers are great but i was hoping to nail up some guy who is irritatingly white

you know, whose utter waspyness dumbfounds even the irish and the germans: guys like ryan seacrest and jack johnson, yadadamean

oh and fuck if those girls arent umblemished, their faces sure are

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every time i see this man i cant help but think, "if there ever was a man that deserved to be nailed to a wooden cross in a grotesque public spectacle, it is him"

am i alone here?

dont forget, the white man is also responsible for japanese internement camps and the da vinci code

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maybe? can't account fer incest tho.

taking those shirts off and seeing those not-yet-fully-developed tits and little nipples...oh man. fuck. yea.

Thats what im talkin bout'


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