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Quote: how is INDIGO pronounced in English?

(een-dee-go) ?? Second syllable stronger?

" INN - deh - gow" - Not sure what your native language is Geowu, but in English, a lot of times the letter "i" is pronounced very closely to how other languages pronounce "e". It's not pronounced "ee". The sound comes from closer to the front of your mouth.

Quote: and DENIM? (the-neem) ??

"DEH - nimm" (the i in Denim is pronounced the same was as the "i" in Indigo"

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Quote: issey mayake

junya watanabe

commes de garcons

helmut lang

jean paul gaultier

hedi slimane

It's Miyake, not Mayake. Therefore "Mee - Yah - Keh" (ends with a glottal stop)

"Joon - yah" "Wah - Tah - Nah - Beh" (also ends with a glottal stop)

"Comb" "deh" "Gah® - sohn" (very soft, almost absent "r" sound)

"Hell - met" "Lay - ng"

I think it's (not sure) "jhonn" (very soft j sound) "Pol" "Gol tee ay"

"Eh - dee" "Slee mahn" is how I've heard it, but I haven't asked a french person to pronounce it for me.

Edited by wild_whiskey on Sep 28, 2005 at 01:19 PM

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I'm from England, so I could well be wrong in the eyes of Americans, but on our little island:

Indigo --> IN-digo (stress on the IN, g pronounced hard as in "dig")

Denim --> DEH-nihm

And, Comme Des Garcons, well, as a native French speaker I know it's a butchering, but in an English/American accent it comes out something like com-deh-gahr-sohn

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howabout shut the fuck up if youre going to act immature and be an idiot. what are you proving by posting dumb fucking shit? absolutely nothing and nobody wants to read your waste of words. IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING CONTIBUTIVE TO SAY THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING.

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How do you pronounce the "homme" in Dior Homme? Also, is Costume National just pronounced as is??

--- Original message by tootwoot on Sep 28, 2005 05:52 PM

The h is silent

So, if you're going for French with an American/English accent, it's "om" (short o as in "Tom")

Or for the more authentic accent, "oemme" (think "erm", but without the r sound)

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howabout shut the fuck up if youre going to act immature and be an idiot. what are you proving by posting dumb fucking shit? absolutely nothing and nobody wants to read your waste of words. IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING CONTIBUTIVE TO SAY THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING.

--- Original message by adsurgo on Sep 28, 2005 06:36 PM


ok I am sorry!!! gomenasai!!! I take it back

-don't hate, appreciate-

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