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Another San Fran Meetup request


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weather is perfect here... check pictures:


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shit sorry mas, justice concert got out late...really drunk...sorry if i woke you up, i remember saying something about you not being able to hang today...hahaha i'm sorry i don't even remember....come to sj? if not, i hope you have a great rest of the time in sf. sorry we couldn't meet

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Guest spazzz
  fade to black2 said:
lol @ this thread title...i dunno mas but when i read it i pictured something like a junkie needing his fix of meetups =P

ha, funny indeed

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  ThyAllMighty said:
post up winq if you want to get some spicy spicy chicken on tuesday, it's happy hour at cluck u/ university chicken, oh btw, i'm in sj, i'll pm you my number

UNIVERSITY CHICKEN YES. if theres gonna be sufu guys there, pm me, i'm down.

and i love my chicken.

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He claims that he can do it if you guys egg him on to do it though. But in honestly, don't do it.

Really. I exploded cottonduck's toilet with just 8 pieces (ran out of time).

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whelp, i'll be there around 730ish with another buddy the university chicken on the alameda near santa clara university. if anyone wants to meet, call me at 408-xxx-xxxx, i'll tell you if anyone's here who called, etc, etc. it kinda sucks but these things tend to fall through, but let's try to not let that happen this time.






edit: winq just called me up, i might be at the one in sj instead, call up to find out

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