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DMX on the Presidential Race


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Reporter: Are you following the presidential race?

DMX: Not at all.

You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton.

His name is Barack?!

Barack Obama, yeah.



What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?

Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.

Barack Obama?


What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that *****’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.

You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.

I ain’t really paying much attention.

I mean, it’s pretty big if a Black…

Wow, Barack! The *****’s name is Barack. Barack? ***** named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this ***** when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” [laughs] “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Barack.


Between this and P's rants ignorant rappers = hillarity.


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Props regardless...the nonsense and straight ignorance that some of these dudes embody and take absolute pride in is amazing...and you do a fine job of reminding us Sub.

You DO know that DMX IS a fuckin' fiend uptown...right? Not that it's really any of our business, but he really is out there like that...so thjis doesn't surprise me.

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Yeah, but when most musicians start fucking with heavy shit don't they usually get better?

Nah, thats not always the case. Drugs affects different people in different ways. Its very hard to be a on and off again crack addict and be able to function in every day life. Let alone come up with coherrent responses in interviews. Besides DMXs whole style and persona is stuck in the mid 90s, he didnt change with the times or progress in anyway. Theres several rappers from the early years who got hooked on crack and died.

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