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New Book on the consequences of Free Trade for every American


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I realize that it's mostly clothing sold on here, but the description does say that you can sell anything...

A book recently published details the problems with free trade policies and the economic consequences of other foreign policies on every American. The book is written from an American perspective (considering the author is) but the notions are generalizable to any country. I find it to be a very easy to read and poignant, but detailed explanation for many of the current economic issues, as well as a fantastic explanation for the feeling that things just aren't going as well as the general economic indicators reported on every quarter are pointing.

The book is Five Short Blasts, by Pete Murphy, and the theory extends beyond simple trade policies to many facets of life. One of the simpler points made is that as a country's population density rises, so does it's unemployment (the explanation for which is made very clear in the book), and as a result engaging in free trade with a country that is far more densly populated than your own with import not only cheaper goods from that country, but also cause the unemployment to shift from their country to your own.

If you are interested, the book is available through both Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Five-Short-Blasts-Pete-Murphy/dp/0979850509/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1201352342&sr=8-1) and directly from the publisher (www.OpenWindowPublishingCo.com) where the author also makes updates and comments on the current events and news affecting our lives. If you do order the book, please say that Ryan sent you, or if through Amazon, send an e-mail to the publisher saying the same and with a screen-shot of your receipt as evidence. Thank you for your interest, and if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

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