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Cloverfield: spoiler thread/discussion (only click if you've seen the movie)


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did anyone else really like the fact that they kept everyone in the dark about what the fuck is really happening and what the monster is and its whereabouts.

the whole point of using a hand held camera was to give it that realistic edge in a highly unrealistic situation. but i felt more a part of the movie because i was just as confused as the characters were regarding the huge fucking thing in the middle of the city.

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  Corbin Law said:
did anyone else really like the fact that they kept everyone in the dark about what the fuck is really happening and what the monster is and its whereabouts.

the whole point of using a hand held camera was to give it that realistic edge in a highly unrealistic situation. but i felt more a part of the movie because i was just as confused as the characters were regarding the huge fucking thing in the middle of the city.

This would have worked (or at the very least have been interesting) if it didn't consequently set this up as a study of the characters in said situation, because the acting was atrocious and unrealistic. I couldn't have cared any less about the characters, especially not the "love story" that was essentially driving them along.

As such, the only thing that kept me from walking out was the chance that the monster story would be interesting. Unfortunately, no such luck there, either, and I for one am not going to continue doing outside research on what could have been explained in the film.

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Agree with Sidney's thought about the monster in the end, I found it awfully small.

Also the last poster said "something has found us"

From the "finding" part I figured it was Alien to our planet since if it would've been from Earth then "finding us" wouldn't exactly be the right term for a monster that big on a planet our size...

So Sid, what did you think in the end?

Did it live up the hype that we were talking about...?

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  will_i_am said:
beth was HOT


  mrpenguin354 said:
I laughed sooooo hard when those small spider things came out. They made this hillarious warbling noise that made me think of Yoshi and I couldn't stop laughing.

good to know i wasnt the only one. i liked the movie.

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i thought it sounded liked "durka durka durka"

edit: other random thoughts to do with the rest of the movie ..

- monster was seen too much for the effect they were trying to create

- anyone else notice rob call hud jason in the tunnel?? or am i making things up

- marlena is awesome, hud is fucking hilarious "something else, also terrible", beth is fucking hot, i want to be rob

- notice the insane connection i feel to the characters because i feel as though i've almost gone what they went throuhg thanks to the sweet perspective, trauma bonds people

- my girlfriend loved it

- ++rep for matt reeves and drew goddard

- isnt there a book? anyone read it?

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Phen3n, image is not showing up for me, although I probablt know wich one it is.

Some more thoughts:

- Almost certain that the monster in the last scene is not the same size of the one smashing buildings. When they are running towards the helicopter pickup, the monster can been seen crushing a tank with one foot. The one Hud is filming seems to almost fit in the screen, if they were the same than the whole screen should've been filled with just one foot...

- the red blow up bags things that -Un so lovingly calls vagina's remind me of frogs, might be amphibian?

- Meat Grinder, I could imagine the book (if there actually is one?) to be just another monster attack, as you don't have the camera effects...

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The movie was neither an improvement on the survival horror genre of movies nor an improvement on the whole blair witch POV handheld style camera work.

Well I guess they stepped it up on the quality of the handheld cameras but other than that much is left to be desired in the movie. I think they combined the two and thought they were making something unique when really they were just stealing the screenplay from any survival horror movie and also stealing the blair witch style handheld camera POV.

Nothing about this movie is new or original. Although it was mildly entertaining, I feel that it didn't live up to my personal expectations. I felt I had already seen the movie before a thousand times.

JJ abrams is good at making crap look better than crap, as with the LOST series. If you think about it, he's just cashing in on the fact that humans are insatiably curious to the point that if he shot two movies worth of footage from cloverfeild and in a month a sequel was to be released, we would pay to see both movies, not even realizing that we've been bamboozled into paying double for what should have been 1 movie.

The ending and subsequent realization of the shallowness of the movie left me feeling out 10 bucks and a couple of hours.

I don't recommend seeing this one in theaters. (atleast if you watch it at home you can pause it and catch all those bullshit "easter eggs" hidden in the movie and maybe make some more sense out of it, that is until they do release that sequel that I have a feeling is inevitably coming soon)

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Why was the statue of liberty's head so tiny? Like really, that thing should be alot bigger than what it appeared to be in the film.

Why did the monster knock down the liberty head? Does monster just not like the statue of liberty and decides to take it down?

Rob is a dumbass, son should have just went to jersey like hud said. Stupid broad, they ended up dead anyways. Hud is hilarious, son hitting on homegirl throughout the ENTIRE movie even when she was about to almost implode.

Now I owe my homegirl some breakfast, now that I put her through the torture.

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Cotton, I dugg the movie. I like buying into all the hype because the suspension of disbelief makes it exciting, especially with some froo froo backstory. I could care less about the characters though.

  Caps Lock said:
Why was the statue of liberty's head so tiny? Like really, that thing should be alot bigger than what it appeared to be in the film.

Why did the monster knock down the liberty head? Does monster just not like the statue of liberty and decides to take it down?

Rob is a dumbass, son should have just went to jersey like hud said. Stupid broad, they ended up dead anyways. Hud is hilarious, son hitting on homegirl throughout the ENTIRE movie even when she was about to almost implode.

Now I owe my homegirl some breakfast, now that I put her through the torture.

- I doubt it's really all that much bigger in real life.

- It's a baby monster. It was awakened and the first thing it did was flip over that Tanker that was fucking with its sleep and then the big statute that was all up in its face. So it went all apeshit and knocked the head off.

- Rob is a dumbass. Homegirl was hot (not your homegirl, but the first homegirl you referenced).

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haha yea i did notice the supreme sticker, pointed it out to my girlfriend and she had no idea what i was talking about (of course) (she was also confused by my boner)

i dotn know, it wasnt the WHOLE statue of liberty head, the spikes were broken, and the head was cut off above her clopek lookin neck, but cant you walk around inside the head of the real thing??? (i dont know i've never been there, probably never will, security and line up would kill me)

- was anyone offended by crazy parrellels to 9/11 when that one building collapsed?

- tunnel wasnt scary enough

and to everything jack was saying; im fine with giving my money to them, because i have a lot of respect for the marketing and im definitly intrigued by the backstory, plus i see movies so rarely lately that it entertained me a lot more than it should have ahah, so whatever, im satisfied

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- beth was a fucking hottie and could get better

- initially, did it seem like rob didnt care that his brother was literally flattened and killed?

- felt like the monster was following the main 3, wherever they went, it followed.

- friend looks exactly like rob.

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rob was mostly like "shit just got real" and then realized that the love of his life was probably dieing a similar death and he should probably get to her now that his brother's dead so if he died he wouldnt feel like a complete fucking failure

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Best line in the movie, "Wouldn't it be crazy if a flaming homeless guy came at us right now?" Hud cracked me the fuck up.

I really enjoyed the movie. I saw it initially on Friday, then went to see it again with a friend tonight. It's not as good the second time around because the suspense isn't there, but I still enjoyed it. The best part about seeing it the second time around is the crowd's reactions.

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