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Cloverfield: spoiler thread/discussion (only click if you've seen the movie)


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i know theres already a cloverfield thread, but i really wanna discuss the movie without spoiling it for people who havent seen it. personally, i enjoyed experiencing the monster attack in first-person; i wasnt bothered by the shaky, blair witch style camera. i still dont know how to feel about the ending. theres so many questions to be asked:

-where did it come from?

-did it get killed?

-what exactly happened to marlena (the hipster who got bitten)?

-did the black girl make it out alive?

here are my speculations: it came from the sea. no, it did not get killed. a baby monster exploded out of marlena. the helicopter containing the black girl was destroyed, just like in independence day and i am legend.


oh also, did anyone else get free cameras after the movie? we got free disposable cameras and i was thinking/hoping they would be some crazy promotional thing where the monster is in the pics when you get them developed

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-where did it come from?

it was speculated that it came from the sea in an earlier conversation between the characters.

-did it get killed?

if you watched past the credits (like the matrix), they said it's still out there, thus alive.

-what exactly happened to marlena?

well she exploded in quarantine, as visible by the bloodspray. it's speculated that they drew that idea from zombies and of course, alien (the scene where the dude gets his rib cage ripped open due to giving birth).

-did the black girl make it out alive?

the people who made it on the first aeroplane made it alive. i'm not sure if she was on it or not, though.

* no i didn't get cameras after.

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I hope there's some sort of sequel or whatever for this movie. A substantial part of the movie was about that guy whose going to japan's relationship with the woman he ended up dying with in the end, and the lengths he would go to show his love for her, blah, blah...

lmao @ the drawing of it...

- It most likely came from the sea, but I want to know what it's specific origin is- how did it come to be, etc.

- Nah, it's not dead.

- I guess if you get bitten, you're poisoned with some sort of venom/whatever that causes you to eventually explode (I'm glad that character died, I hated her attitude lol).

- Yeah, the black girl is most likely alive, since she was on the first plane.

- We didn't get any free stuff over here.

- It doesn't have two legs, it's a side-profile shot, so the other legs are hidden behind those shown in the cartoony pic.

- Those red things are like some sort of spore/vagina that allows it to produce the smaller monsters asexually seemingly with each breath that leaves its body. It's monster/mini-monster factory all in one...if you survive the big one's destruction, the little ones probably clean up what's left over.

- I like how the ending is...it leaves you wanting more. I think some people just wanted a more concrete ending, something with closure, but still left an obvious possibility for a sequel.

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I feel like the monster movie genre is now done. I thought it was really, really well done. I also thought the ending was perfect.

I have no idea where it came from, but the fact that the movie is called Cloverfield, the government's codename for it, and how oddly specific that name is, I sort of want to say it was a government creation, but I'm not too confident about that.

I don't think it's dead because I feel like there will inevitably be a cash-in sequel. I consider this the 28 Days Later of the monster movie genre, and the sequel will be about as good as 28 Weeks Later was; not very.

Lilly is alive. I think they got out early enough.

I don't think the big air bladder things were where the little monsters came from though. I think they probably just dropped off of spores on its body.

Also, if it came from the sea or space, why could it breathe air?

Fake Edit: A friend just sent me this:

"The movie then cuts to a scene from Rob and Beth enjoying their Coney Island date a month before. The lovers turn the camera towards the fairgrounds and the pier, and an object can be seen crashing into the sea on the right-hand horizon. The camera is turned back to Rob and Beth, still happy and carefree. Rob asks Beth to comment on her experience. Beth ends the film by saying, "I had a good day.""

Anyone notice this?

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  hey said:
I feel like the monster movie genre is now done. I thought it was really, really well done. I also thought the ending was perfect.

I have no idea where it came from, but the fact that the movie is called Cloverfield, the government's codename for it, and how oddly specific that name is, I sort of want to say it was a government creation, but I'm not too confident about that.

I don't think it's dead because I feel like there will inevitably be a cash-in sequel. I consider this the 28 Days Later of the monster movie genre, and the sequel will be about as good as 28 Weeks Later was; not very.

Lilly is alive. I think they got out early enough.

I don't think the big air bladder things were where the little monsters came from though. I think they probably just dropped off of spores on its body.

Also, if it came from the sea or space, why could it breathe air?

Fake Edit: A friend just sent me this:

"The movie then cuts to a scene from Rob and Beth enjoying their Coney Island date a month before. The lovers turn the camera towards the fairgrounds and the pier, and an object can be seen crashing into the sea on the right-hand horizon. The camera is turned back to Rob and Beth, still happy and carefree. Rob asks Beth to comment on her experience. Beth ends the film by saying, "I had a good day.""

Anyone notice this?

Concerning the bolded...just because it dwells in either of those places, doesn't exactly mean it won't be able to survive in other environments (in this case, land/a different planet/etc.).

I didn't actually notice the object crashing into the sea on the scene...it probably is from space in that case..

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  will_i_am said:
object that rcashed was a taraguto satelite.

Is this something from the ARG or whatever? I hate those stupid things and selectively ignore whatever extra information is presented in them. Do you have a further explanation for this?

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i just saw the movie.

i thought it was pretty hilarious.

like nothing original. blair witch + war of the world combo


a nice way to end a day after 7 hours of studying

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I laughed sooooo hard when those small spider things came out. They made this hillarious warbling noise that made me think of Yoshi and I couldn't stop laughing.

I doubt there will be a sequel in the conventional sense. I read somewhere that a posible sequel is the same movie from a different standpoint, since there could have been multiple people filming. I do wish I caught the thing crashing into the ocean though. Tricky tricky tricky.

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You know about Garfield?

When I first saw previews about the movie, I thought it was about terrorists. I was totally down for the movie. A modern day war movie, within the US, wouldve been perfect.

The movie was like an hour long.

My pants were off the whole time. All Ive got to say about the movie is...

My balls.

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  skiniks said:
i laughed when marlena exploded.

I don't think she had exploded. She was being pulled by the 4 medical men pretty fast. She may have just threw up blood all against the tent as in 28 Weeks Later.

As far as being bitten, do any of you remember in the department store where the medical men were rolling away a soldier on a stretcher with his guts all spilled out? Does getting bitten by the little horrific fuckers mean that they plant a seed in you that eventually grows into more little horrific fuckers that they blast out of you?

This monsters was fucked, it was more than one giant fucking monster attacking the city. It was a big mother fucker with all the little horrific mother fucking parasites to infect a race. Fucked!

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  hey said:

Fake Edit: A friend just sent me this:

"The movie then cuts to a scene from Rob and Beth enjoying their Coney Island date a month before. The lovers turn the camera towards the fairgrounds and the pier, and an object can be seen crashing into the sea on the right-hand horizon. The camera is turned back to Rob and Beth, still happy and carefree. Rob asks Beth to comment on her experience. Beth ends the film by saying, "I had a good day.""

Anyone notice this?

for this post i hate you

i watched it today and spent the whole movie waiting for this part expecting it to be in the begining and finally at the end it comes out and my eyes are scannig back and forth looking for a crash in the sea and nothing happens. thanks alot

but i really liked this movie and i knew what was gonna happen when it ended and it did:

every single person in the theater just saying out loud "that movie sucked" and me sitting there wondering what the hell is wrong with these people it was good

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I suspect there are more monsters by the end of the movie. Whatever flew into the sea at the end was recorded in April, and the attack is in May. If it's the same year, whatever it is (if the thing that fell wasn't a catalyst but the actual monster) it grew fucking fast.

The monster that arises and attacks the tanker is about the size of a small building on all fours (or sixes) and as tall as a high rise apartment building on twos. It was massive enough to come up from a bombing and bump into the helicopter our characters are in near the end.

The monster in Central Park fit pretty neatly into Hud's frame.... and hesitates before it attacks Hud (as though it hasn't been attacking a city for the past 7 hours). I bet it was one of those fuckin' babies that didn't get killed and grew over night.

Everything is absolutely open-ended, including Marlena, whether or not there are more than one monster, and the pretenses in which the monster originated from.

If you follow the ARG, you can conclude that the monster may have been a sea creature that stumbled upon the material that had crashed into the sea... which is also the derivative that is used in the Slusho that makes it so addictive...

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That's a good point about the Central Park monster being a baby..

  SolesOnMyMind said:
for this post i hate you

i watched it today and spent the whole movie waiting for this part expecting it to be in the begining and finally at the end it comes out and my eyes are scannig back and forth looking for a crash in the sea and nothing happens. thanks alot

but i really liked this movie and i knew what was gonna happen when it ended and it did:

every single person in the theater just saying out loud "that movie sucked" and me sitting there wondering what the hell is wrong with these people it was good

Actually, it does happen...before Rob adjusts the camera to point at him and Beth, you can see a dark figure crash into the water near the ship in the shot.

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  mrpenguin354 said:
I laughed sooooo hard when those small spider things came out. They made this hillarious warbling noise that made me think of Yoshi and I couldn't stop laughing.

I doubt there will be a sequel in the conventional sense. I read somewhere that a posible sequel is the same movie from a different standpoint, since there could have been multiple people filming. I do wish I caught the thing crashing into the ocean though. Tricky tricky tricky.

i thought of yoshi too .... haha

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