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i thought it was really short for a 2hr movie

more than half the movie was flashbacks and there really was no info given for a lot of the major parts of the plot, especially at the end. plus it was nothing like the book :(

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Overall, I enjoyed it. I thought the flashbacks were a decent way of establishing back story while breaking up large segments of the film (that were necessary to set the tone and Smith's present state of mind).

I guess my biggest gripe was with the overuse of CG. I think practical effects and makeup could have made a much scarier un-dead, zombie, vampire-ma-jig (at least up close). Every time one of those vampy-things screamed and the jaw opened unnaturally wide it bugged me.

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was it just me or when the monsters open their mouth, they looked like they were smiling? kinda. and then did that bruce lee kinda head cock? i thought the movie was overal good. although the end kinda sucked for me. i wish he went into more depth with everything, i felt that more flashbacks would of helped the story evolve.

a good movie to watch would be "the last man on earth" this movie stays more true to the original book " i am legend" and i felt in this film the development is much better.

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  groovbusta said:
If we liked the movie, should we read the book?

I liked the movie in general, but wanted more story development regarding the Dark Seekers. Will Smith was great.

Yeah if you liked the movie you'll love the book. Probably...

The title will make more sense.

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whoa--so there's no god ending in the book? ha ha ha ha. i thought that was the only ehhh/ok interesting part of the movie because not many scifi zombdead movies have god in it (not christ,but god). the cg sucked --w ould've been better and cheaper if they gone the humans in makeup way. overall there were no gaping holes, but i also hadn't read the book and didn't have any expectations aside from it being post-apocolyptic.

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  isoform said:
whoa--so there's no god ending in the book? ha ha ha ha. i thought that was the only ehhh/ok interesting part of the movie because not many scifi zombdead movies have god in it (not christ,but god). the cg sucked --w ould've been better and cheaper if they gone the humans in makeup way. overall there were no gaping holes, but i also hadn't read the book and didn't have any expectations aside from it being post-apocolyptic.

I really don't want to give anything away. Do yourself a favor and grab the book. Its just a short story, and theres a whole lot more substance, and a completely different angle. I'm sure you'll love it

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I kept thinking about fresh prince. The zombies all looked the same, and how come they had super powers? I have the zombie survival guide and it says that they cant walk up stairs and these dudes were climbing street lights and shit. How the fuck did that bitch get to NY when the bridge was blown up. I also hate movies that get cut!

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the fuck you on about?


in the film the dark seekers aren't zombies or vampires. they're infected w/ a rabiis-like virus/rage/whatever. also...super powers or adrenalin/jacked up bodies?

and mang you must've been real confused during the flash backs and, like, the whole movie. manhattan is ground zero. in an attempt to contain the infection they blew up the bridges to keep the epidemic on the island.

and how is the movie cut? it was paced alright, no major plot holes, no deus ex machina copouts well sort of... was a decent enough movie.

anyway, i thought the same thing whitney did about the trap. alpha male got angry that dude stole his girlfriend learned how dude trapped her and set it up hisself. and dude was really underestimating the infected.

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Yea, I know they weren't 'technically' vampires but....can't go in sunlight? Garlic? Blood sucking? It was close enough...plus, in the book, they closely resembled vampire (or what movies show vampires as being) behavior.

Also, the girl said she came from Maine (or Maryland?)....so yea, how did she get back into NY?

I too thought it was quick. The book however is much more involved.

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i just thought fresh prince went crazy from being alone for so long and he had set that trap up and forgot about it then trapped him self.

why is there a leader zombie? and why don't they just use sunblock if they be getting smart and shit?

mmfood, best part was zombie circle jerk cracker game going on.

i want to see that one caveman movie where they fight sabar tooth tigers.

and fuck what god tol you bitch! go get naked.

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The book is way darker. There are some allusions to the book but nothing that fleshes out Robert Neville to the same degree. For example, the captive female darkseeker breathing heavily... that scene where there is an awkward pause and acknowledgement of the sexuality of her presence is a nod to the fact that Neville is tortured by his carnal urges in his fight for survival. Also, note that he records that this subject is female between the ages of 18-22, referencing the fact that he always ends up testing on female subjects (in the book).

Overall, the plot really went to shit and completely missed the depth of psychology that went behind the short story. The idea of vampirism is interesting because of the dynamic of Neville's character as a brute who isn't all that book smart. His study of the virus and rudimentary way of earning the trust of the dog as well as a grasp of the virus settles his schizo personality in time for the twist in the plot when he encounters another human for the first time.

As far as I can tell, the movie was an entirely different experience than the book... for the worse.

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