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Post a song you want people to hear.


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Thread title says it all. Post a song you are feeling or what ever what ever. It could be a link, it can be a youtube, etc. BUT ONLY 1 PER POST. No need for people to click longer than they have to on one single damn post. Also Give a reason why you are feeling it.

Unknown(To me, I'm thinking some old Roy Ayers shit do to the xylophone) Song From J Rocc mix:


Dope oldschool jazz funk that almost anyone can jam to, message is clear and to the point, perfect to set example for topic

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This may be the most amazing song ever created by human beings. I suggest putting on some headphones, turning off the lights and listening to the whole thing without even considering to pause it. F'real.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Storm

It's actually composed of 4 different pieces, but it runs together as one 23-ish (I think) minute song.

1. Lift Yr. Skinny Fists, Like Antennas To Heaven...

2. Gathering Storm/

3. "Welcome to Barco AM/PM"

4. Cancer Towers On The Holy Road Hi-Way

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  JackPhotography said:
this song & the spike jonze video too.


"In the back of your mind you prob'ly thinkin' I was gay

But naw, I'm just a bitch ass nigga"

Who am I kidding

Who am I fooling

when they're like

"What's up fatlip?"

Grabbed the Spike Jonze DVD when it came out a while back, got some damn decent work on it.

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