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Anyone here use a neti pot?


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My girlfriend got me this thing a few days ago and I just used it for the first time. It's kind of weird at first, but it wasn't bad after things started rolling. My only problem was that when I went to the left nostril, nothing happened. It was if my left nostril is blocked, but the saline ran through the left nostril when it was in the right one.

Anyway, tell me of your experiences with shit dripping out of your nose.

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My girlfriend got me this thing a few days ago and I just used it for the first time. It's kind of weird at first, but it wasn't bad after things started rolling. My only problem was that when I went to the left nostril, nothing happened. It was if my left nostril is blocked, but the saline ran through the left nostril when it was in the right one.

Anyway, tell me of your experiences with shit dripping out of your nose.

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sweeeeet. i dont use one yet, but ive been tempted to. maybe soon. how does your nose feel?

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sweeeeet. i dont use one yet, but ive been tempted to. maybe soon. how does your nose feel?

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sweeeeet. i dont use one yet, but ive been tempted to. maybe soon. how does your nose feel?

It sort of hurts, but more in my sinus area. I think I had my head tilted incorrectly, so I may have gotten some liquid in there. It actually feels really clear though. Not to be corny, but it feels really fresh right now...kind of like those days when it's really cold outside and it feels great to breathe deep but it hurts a little because it's cold? Weird, but that's it.

it is a fucking godsend when you have one of those wicked stuffy colds.

i thought it was totally gay at first but i was so converted after using one it was not even funny

So do you use it every day? Also, did you ever have a problem with it not draining in one nose? My left nostril wouldn't allow anything in. I thought it was working because I saw drip from my right nostril, but it was just running off of the spout from the pot onto my nose.

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sweeeeet. i dont use one yet, but ive been tempted to. maybe soon. how does your nose feel?

It sort of hurts, but more in my sinus area. I think I had my head tilted incorrectly, so I may have gotten some liquid in there. It actually feels really clear though. Not to be corny, but it feels really fresh right now...kind of like those days when it's really cold outside and it feels great to breathe deep but it hurts a little because it's cold? Weird, but that's it.

it is a fucking godsend when you have one of those wicked stuffy colds.

i thought it was totally gay at first but i was so converted after using one it was not even funny

So do you use it every day? Also, did you ever have a problem with it not draining in one nose? My left nostril wouldn't allow anything in. I thought it was working because I saw drip from my right nostril, but it was just running off of the spout from the pot onto my nose.

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