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Let's see the artwork you own.


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i have a print by lichtenstein from the New York 10 series. it officially belongs to my father, but i sorta claim it as my own (he's gonna give it to me when i officially own my own apartment or house in the future)


me looking ginormic/hungover compared to my friend maggie, and the lichtenstein hanging pretty on the left.

oh yeah, behind me is a Mucha too.

both originally were my late grandfathers, but as he got older he gave them out to my dad and some of his other art to my dads 4 sisters. we also got 2 klimpt drawings and a warhol print.

look! its my puppy. how i miss him.

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I've got some work by Wolfgang Suschitzky, Vee Spears, Chrystel Lebas, Nicholas Huges and six Adam Neate originals. We've got some more in the house but the artists' names escape at present. Oh, one of the Anthony Gormley 'Field of the British Isles' pieces, a bit of Franko B and M+M.

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yo jeepstr r u ballin r wat??? can u rly afford 2 keep tht? 4 ur apartment??? rly???


my grandfather was pretty well off and he was a art collector, at one point he owned 4 picasso's and various other famous pieces of artwork. my brother got the 2 klimpt sketches, and we have all sorts of other stuff from him. he passed away earlier this year, and a lot of the art that was left was divided among my dad and his sisters. we'd had it all for a while, but we never claimed it as our own, but this one was laid out pretty specifically in my grandpa's will for my dad, and he already told me that he'd pass it on to me when im good and ready.

i used to ball. broke my ankle. now i aint so ballin.

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you spelled klimt's name wrong

but he sucks anyway... unless you're a girl then he's your fav. ;)

me bad.

but thats sorta a stupid statement considering how influential an artists he was and still is...

but whatever, if you're down with other stuff. then cool beans for you.

personally, i think he's amazing. i can't imagine women liking the strange and somewhat perverted image he created.. but whatevs. i digress.

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you spelled klimt's name wrong

but he sucks anyway... unless you're a girl then he's your fav. ;)

Yeah, no big klimt fan here either (at least not of his "gold" works, some of his sketches are pretty interesting and he had some cool design work), but I'd kill for a lichtenstein. Seriously commit murder.

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Yeah, no big klimt fan here either (at least not of his "gold" works, some of his sketches are pretty interesting and he had some cool design work), but I'd kill for a lichtenstein. Seriously commit murder.

are you insinuating something...?


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