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how NOT to buy: advanced techniques and strategies

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I have actually been pretty happy with nearly all my purchases and haven't sold them for better/newer releases. But I do have a lot of old stuff that is no longer my style and am about to donate to the homeless for this winter.

my rule is: don't buy anything that doesn't fit perfectly

that eliminates 99.9999999999999999999999% of clothes so I'm good

About a good percentage for me as well.

The main thing to help me stop from buying sometimes is .. in the end it doesn't matter what material shit I own.

Waiting for that apocalypse to drop.

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Since I live in a dorm, I have a small closet.. after every semester i would dump out all my clothes and then start sorting them out.. the stuff that I know that I will never wear again I will put it in my donation bag *big brother in my area also show up every 3 months to pick up clothes~*, then I start another pill of clothes which I will keep sure *usually, is around 70% of the clothing*... Lastly, I will have a few items that i think I will not wear daily and keep them as "shitty" clothes.. I will only wear the "shitty" clothes for working on my car, lawn, or when i feel sick and want to wear lots of old stuff arond the house/campus..

This way, I limit myself to a few items to buy each semester..

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This is a good topic.

Thing is, when you desire something so bad and finally end up getting it. After awhile you want to move on to bigger and better things. This is what causes you to spend more. It's really an endless cycle of buying, you as a person will never be satisfied with what you have, especially if you are on this forum.

Yeh I agree with this. I do find I always want more and more. I try to remind myself by thinking of something I spent alot of money on that looked great at the time but its only been a couple of months and there is no emotional attachment to it anymore and it just looks ordinary.

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  • 2 years later...

using cash instead of credit is a good strategy

also, insisting on buying in-store instead of online is another good way of keeping shit in check; i am less likely to drop a couple hundos on a pair of boots if i am in meatspace instead of cyberspace-----so much easier to click yourself into debt than swipe or physically take bills out of the wallet

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