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more; In my opinion everything after Lost Highway is covered in pretension, but the thing is, is that it's actually respectable pretension, i guess.

I enjoyed Muholland Drive, and the Rabbits stint, but not because of Lynch, but because of Naomi Watts and/or Lisa(?) Harring.

Inland empire is just a mess, when I first saw it I thought it was sketchy but alright- i just assumed I didn't get it and I would understand more after I watched it again- but it mindfucked me more. The worst thing about the entire movie is not Dern but the fact that 90% of it is shot in fucking digtal video. This basically killed the entire movie for me- and yeah, I know it's supposed to play into the movie being made about a movie being made about a movie being made about a movie about prostitution... or something, but it's just so stupid.

also I don't think it's in any real theaters anymore. PM me and I can hook you up.

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I really enjoyed this but as with most films it's better experienced in a theatre. The plot was certainly confusing as with all Lynch this is an intrinsic part of the plot. Apparentley the film was improvised daily by lynch handing out guidelines he had written the day before. I think the method really contributes to the sense of disorientation you are put in the place of Dern unable to tell what is fiction and what is reality and what are either of those things anyway? The digital video I did not find too much of a distraction. Although in the credit sequence at the end why is there a guy sawing a log?

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Although in the credit sequence at the end why is there a guy sawing a log?

Haha, I really need to watch this movie already. I've had it on sitting on my computer for a while now but I find that I really need to be in the right mood to watch a Lynch movie nowadays.

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