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I picked this thing up this morning (just back from grand old Canadia) and I have to say, I am quite impressed so far. When I heard they were making a spiritual-successor to the System Shock series I knew I'd have to at least go ahead and give it a try, and I basically haven't bought / seriously played a videogame in going on quite some period of time, now.

Between this and Fallout 3 I might actually have to take some money out of my small-as-always clothing fund and invest in upgrading my computer.

Anyone else got this / planning on buying?

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Yeah I was playing the demo and I was just blown away. Even though my computer's helluva old, the graphics are just amazing. The atmosphere is great the way you're completely immersed in this place. The powers you get are soo awesome. I'm definitely planning on getting this game. I too will have to take cash out of my almost non-existant cash fund to get some new hardware.

Fallout 3 will hopefully be awesome too. Same people who made Oblivion will be making this and hopefully it comes out looking the same.

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unless you just bought your computer the day before bioshock came out, don't bother buying it for the pc. get the xbox 360 version. this game is absolutely amazing. i haven't played a shooter so fun and encompassing since half-life 2. it's seriously incredible the 50000000000 ways you can kill enemies.

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Yeah, I played the demo on my friend's 360 the other night .. was really impressed with the graphics and the story line.

I actually have not played the System Shock games but one of my friends had been talking about them a lot and mentioned Bioshock to me.

I'm also eagerly anticipating Fallout 3 .. but I'll miss the turn based battle system.

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unless you just bought your computer the day before bioshock came out, don't bother buying it for the pc. get the xbox 360 version. this game is absolutely amazing. i haven't played a shooter so fun and encompassing since half-life 2. it's seriously incredible the 50000000000 ways you can kill enemies.

The requirements aren't that high. I can still run brand new games on my old graphics card but my graphics card is almost 2 years old. I've been need of a new graphics card for a while.

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It's very enjoyable, but I'm still waiting for Mass Effect to make the purchase of the 360 truly worth it. But, yeah, I think it's definitely the best game for it so far... unless I'm forgetting something.

I love the way Objectivism was explored in the game and overall all the influences. FPS, yet so much more than FPS. Neat!

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alright since we're geeking out over this thing, i played the game with my friend's copy when he bought it and brought it over. dude doesn't have a 360 so he plays it on mine.

can somebody tell me what the benefits and disadvantages are of saving the Little Sisters or harvesting the Little Sister? i didn't get to read the little information pop-up that appeared when you first encounter them cause my friend accidentally clicked through it. so what are the pros/cons of both options?

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alright since we're geeking out over this thing, i played the game with my friend's copy when he bought it and brought it over. dude doesn't have a 360 so he plays it on mine.

can somebody tell me what the benefits and disadvantages are of saving the Little Sisters or harvesting the Little Sister? i didn't get to read the little information pop-up that appeared when you first encounter them cause my friend accidentally clicked through it. so what are the pros/cons of both options?

Well, if you save them, I think it's going to be important later on in the story. If you just harvest them then I guess that will also have an impact on it. Other than that, harvesting them gives you more ADAM.

There was that woman on the balcony, if you weren't listening to her, she said that she will make it worth your time if you saved the Little Sisters.


I had to fight three big daddies, two of them at the same time because I couldn't find the Little Sister after I killed the first one. It was frustrating.

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*spoilers: don't read if you care and haven't made it through Fontaine's Fishery yet*

You get a plasmid later that let's you turn the big daddies to your side if you don't kill the little sisters, in addition to 200 Adam and some ammunition. That's the first reward I've gotten so far and I'm saving all of them. I imagine they get more substantial as you go on.

I turn all the big daddies to my side and then trick them into killing one another (in addition to my swarm of security drones) and that seems to do the trick pretty well.

When I play through again on hard I figure I'll try harvesting them.

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one of these days I want to wake up, go online, and see that bioshock has been successfully cracked by a release group. until then... I will cry a little inside... but I will NEVER break down and buy something I can clearly get for free. just a matter of time now... :mad:

xD cmon look on the internet. its out bro. i've been playing it for an hour already.

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xD cmon look on the internet. its out bro. i've been playing it for an hour already.

ouch this got me minus rep. Cmon bro, its not like this thing needs to be paid for because its saving lives. I feel the same about musicians and actors. We can live without games, movies, music. No need to pay for something thats worthless. In my opinion, doctors, teachers and policemen should earn more then those fuckers.

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Oh and just to clarify, Bioshock is actually probably geared towards pirates. You can only install this game on 2 different computers and if you change hardware, guess what? IT COUNTS AS INSTALLING ON A DIFFERENT COMPUTER. They're not screwing over pirates, they're screwing up the people who buy the game. Cheers to everyone who actually bought it though. They get to play it first.

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