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WESC Street Fashion Headphones


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have been using this one for over a year now and I don't see any reason why I would want to change, it rocks!


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I saw the wesc phones in store today. They look cool, but I am more than happy with the headphones I already have.

Kind of surprised people on SuFu know about quality stuff like the SR404s and K1000s. How many people on here read Head-Fi too?

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  • 1 month later...
Those Grados look cool but are they open? meaning will the guy next to me in the train hear my music?


what would you recommend for the train?


I have a pair of 125's (which, might I say, are probably the best value for the price of any headphone ever, in the history of mankind), and while I do wear them in coffeehouses and whatnot, I have to play it fairly low so that I don't bother the people sitting next to me. It's typically loud enough to not hear much of the outside noise, but it's there, plus the waves are going everywhere.

Although, you could probably design an "O" shaped piece of plastic (or wood!) to prevent sound leak. :o Tweak time!

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Although, you could probably design an "O" shaped piece of plastic (or wood!) to prevent sound leak. :o Tweak time!

That would seriously fck the acoustics up, since Grados were designed to be open.. it'd suck all the body and bass out of the sound.. try putting your palms over the grills, and you'll find very anemic bass..

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