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Need some advice on brands that make tapered shirts....


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I've been having a lot of trouble lately finding some buttons downs that are tapered down to the waist. I've actually always had a problem with this because I have a slim but muscular build with my chest measuring 38 inch. and my waist being a 32( I'm 6' 168 pounds) so shirts that fit me in the upper area dont really fit me well at all in the waist. So basically if anyone can give me some brands that make tapered shorts that would really help me out a ton...Thanks in advance.

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Well I don't really mind spending a descent amount on a shirt here or there as long as it is going to really fit so the waist isn't 5 inches too big, like i would buy a shirt in the 150-200 but for the most part id like to be spending under 100. I've found it hard because i hate how a lot of shirts fit with the upper body area being almost perfect and just fitting into the shirt, then the waist being too big.

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I would advise against APC. Their shirts are most definitely not tapered, in fact the majority are usually a straight cut though sometime narrow. Best bet is to take your shirts to tailor and have them taper at the sides. Don't do this at a cleaners, find a good tailor who understands how to make a shirt flatter your body type.

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i don't know if it's possible to get a "tapered" shirt in the U.S. off the rack where the waist measurement is smaller than the chest measurement. companies simply won't make them b/c the average consumer will not have the body for it so it would be really unprofitable. take it from me I've tried lots of brands. The best bet is finding a shirt that fits great in the shoulders and chest, and have a trusted tailor take in the waist (i've done it to 2 dior homme shirts and they fit much better now).

p.s. you ever see in the fashion mags how the models have that perfect straight line from their dress shirts to their sleek dress pants with no noticeable bubbling? well just imagine if you have someone photoshopping the excess fabric from your waist at all times and you can look like that too, i.e. the photoshoots are all posed and I've never seen anyone look that good and slim in a dress shirt and pants in real life, good luck achieving the near-impossible though

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they pin the shirts in most shoots instead of altering them, since models can often be switched last minute.

really never knew that but with some of those designer shirts i've seen hove the measurements slimmer in the waist than the shoulders and chest but i never really tried them on because one shirt is as expensive as around 4-6 shirts from a cheaper place

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well i'm talking about what you see in mags. if you're looking in a catalog or shop book it's more likely to try and correctly represent fit...

yea well a lot of slim fit shirts seem to fit to the point where its bearable since my chest ins't a rediculous amount bigger than my waste but i still feel a tapered button down would look a lot better...i guess i have to deal with the slim fit ones unless i want to spend 100+ on designer shirts that are tapered or get them tapered.

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