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shit guys... i got busted...

i had been awake for 30 hours, took some mdma during the night, smoked a shitload of join... well so i was in the railway station, walking toward my train... and i see this black dog spinning around me. at first i'm like hey leave me alone, but he wouldn't leave so i shout get the fuck out... then there's this guy showing his badge like in the movies "french customs please stop and open your luggage please".

at first i didn't get it, i was in a weird state. then i started freaking out because i remember i actually had 6 grams of blue ice... but quite well hidden. the guy asks if i got some stuff... worst idea ever... i answer no. so they start searching, while they ask me if i got some cash. i said i actually had some but smoked it all. they find nothing, i'm starting to feel relieved.

then the guy looks at my peeled carrot box where i've put the weed in a little bag. the guy's really good. he shook it and figured there was something in there. then the big guy starts talking about how i took them for kiddies and all and asks me to follow him. shit. actually we only went in another area of the railway station. the guys filled papers. they wrote i gave them 50€, but i had nearly 180€ on me, and they took it all (and the weed indeed). i didn't react much, was useless anyway. they told me that if i said i had weed in the first place they'd have let me go. and i lost my persols the same day.

so i basically lost 500€...

FUCKIN BLACK DOG IF I ever see you again you'll be mine and i'll be searching guys in the street pretending i'm from the custom to jack people's weed.

btw there was another guy busted, for hash. he didn't have any cash nor credit card, so he went directly to the police station. they're far less kind there....

i also had to hide from the police on saturday night. wasn't bad, but they probably saw that we looked sketchy. the car drove in front of us once, then left. we found a little hideout and they actually drove back to were we were in the first place, probably to search us. fortunately for us we were hidden. that would have been a very uncomfortable night, because they didn't really looked like cool cops but rather the crooked violent kinda one...

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bah, c'est vraiment de la merde ce qui t'es arrivé.. à part t'enlever tes trucs, est-ce que que t'as une amende ou quelque chose? c'est fucking biddon .. je comprends pas trop comment la ... CORRUPTION fonctionne?

woah the custom police? what the hell.

man i heard so much shit about french cops... pretty sure they,re gonna end up smoking your shit..

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i love how I find signs telling me not to stop smoking...for example

Stoned as fuck Friday morning after class trying to get to the bus station for my 10am to NY, but was obviously running late. Finally caught a cab, and when my fare came out to 4.20 I somehow knew it'd be ok, even though Im running 30 minutes late.

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  Oxford said:
Super Sunday....here is some Mazar-i-Sharif from Afghanistan. This hash is some super rare terrorist power bomb shit! Magic carpets and Spices all the way. It is so sticky it picks up fucking everything, but is such a nice smoke. Pressed into very thin slabs, no more than 0.5cm thick.





I had this Afghan a week before, and as you can see is quite a bit different. The slabs were ALOT thicker and the stamp was in Arabic instead of English. I love this shit so much, old skool and immense history/culture behind it. It is so hard to get decent quality hashish, especially from Afghanistan, but these both really impressed me - the top one is nicest.



jus gonna go ahead an quote this.. since none of you saw it apparently.

god damn. i feel like i could just eat that shit

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  Knugget said:
i would like to know this also.

Not too sure what you mean, but the hash comes into the country via various methods and is often hidden amongst furniture, metals, foods, etc.

Actually being able to score some decent hash merely requires knowing the right people, but those are few and far between. As you can imagine afghan hash is particularly rare due to the war, but nevertheless, some nice people bought me what you saw and there is plenty of it :D

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  selaviso said:
dont waste your time. its like smoking stems...not worth it cuz it wont get you faded.

u can for sure use stems and seeds to make

butter, or tea..... get some nice chocolate chai green-leaf brew :cool:

cha-cha. talk about feasty.

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  Oxford said:
Not too sure what you mean, but the hash comes into the country via various methods and is often hidden amongst furniture, metals, foods, etc.

Actually being able to score some decent hash merely requires knowing the right people, but those are few and far between. As you can imagine afghan hash is particularly rare due to the war, but nevertheless, some nice people bought me what you saw and there is plenty of it :D

haha i was gonna say "a connect" but then i thought id sound like an asshole, but thats really all it is. even have to ask?

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anyone know an efficient detox method besides cranberry juice/water pills? I have to undergo a pre-employment drug test for a job I really want and I smoke everyday. hmmmmph.

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  domdomdomdom said:
dont think theyd bother with that if you already got it at your house for consumption; you may as well go buy some hash if thats the only reason you havent

yeah, my bad; I was talking about Oxford's reply mentioning hiding it in furniture n' shit. but yeah, trying to get some cocoa kush. tried a bit from a friend and am hooked

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  sistersuzie said:
bah, c'est vraiment de la merde ce qui t'es arrivé.. à part t'enlever tes trucs, est-ce que que t'as une amende ou quelque chose? c'est fucking biddon .. je comprends pas trop comment la ... CORRUPTION fonctionne?

woah the custom police? what the hell.

man i heard so much shit about french cops... pretty sure they,re gonna end up smoking your shit..

j'avoue c'est la merde... l'amende ça doit être les 50€ je pense... j'ai mis tout mon argent dans leur coffre comme demandé , et le mec l'a refermé. j'ai hésité à demander vu que 180 c'est quand même 4 fois plus que ce qu'il y'avait écrit sur le papier mais bon... ça me paraissait... inapproprié haha... they probably won't smoke it because they wrote they took 6g from me (there was actually 6,33 so they can do whatever they want with the tiny bits).

but i was veeeeeeeeeeery lucky to have a lot of cash and not end up at the police station because that would have been fuckin hell... like calling my parents, be detained in a stinky cell for max 48h and all.

french cops are either cool and act like they wish they were at home ie chill, or they're fuckin cowboys, cuffing you for a word you didn't mean to say because you're drunk or pretending they're the president's special guard.

it's a bit sad, but if you know the right people or just the right names, you won't get in troubles (probably not in paris tho).

but spending 24 hours smoking in paris made me realise that it really not a city for smokers. cops everywhere, suspicous people, weird hook ups...

i live in toulouse, smaller (well there's still 1M people living around here), but it's so much more chill. i roll joints in the railway station, can smoke wherever i want, people in the street are smiling and it usually takes less than 4 times asking people to get missing rolling tools (tobacco, ocb's or cardboard thingy).

from all i heard about people getting busted, it depends on the cops and what you have. but if you get caught in the street rolling a joint or smoking and have say less than 3g chances are they'll just take it and give you a warning.

what about in the usa/canada ?

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