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Help! Updating my wardrobe with some new jeans


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Here's my situation: I've been into Rock and Republic jeans for a while now and I want to get away from those and start getting more into more premium denim. I've gotten rid of a lot of my older jeans and now before I go back to college I want to get two new pairs of jeans.

I've already purchased one really nice pair of jeans that I like (Sling & Stones - David in Dry) and I want to get another pair of nice jeans to go along with them. Any advice on which way I should go? Also: If you could help me out with things that the Denim Bar has, as I will probably be going there to get my jeans. I just wanted some ideas as to which jeans I should try on. I think I'm going to try on and probably buy a pair of APC NS, but what other recommendations do you guys have?

As far as fit goes, I like my jeans tight but not superskinny. The Sling & Stones are almost a little too wide after the knee. Maybe something slightly skinnier? I like the fit on a lot of Samurais and Sugarcanes I've seen on this forum, but does DB carry those brands? If not, anyone know somewhere where I can get them in or around Washington D.C.?

Thanks for the help!

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The APC NS are a great pic for the slim fit. Other stuff at DB you might like are Nudies Even Steven, (maybe) Slim Jims or the standard Regular Ralf. PRPS, Rag & Bones RB15/16, Julian Red, Acne Mics might be a good choice too.

You mentioned that you like the fit of Japanese denim, just realize that a lot of them feature cuts inspired or patterned from vintage levis and are actually rather anti-fit. Samurai does have som more modern slimmer fits, but for SC, most cuts are full and fitting a comfortable fit that doesn't make you look like you are wearing a diaper can at times be difficult.

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I think the denim bar carries sugar cane, but I could be wrong. Give Mauro a call he is very helpful.

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Thanks for the great advice! So I'm guessing DB doesn't carry Samurai or some of the other Japanese denim companies? And if that's true, where can I get them from?

You gotta use a proxy or order from rakuten shops that ship to the states.

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I suggest you go with your first instict...

Denim Bar carries Sugarcane, they carry almost the entire line... As do we..

go into the store and try a on a few styles. Start with the 1966, which is their slimmest cut...

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I suggest you go with your first instict...

Denim Bar carries Sugarcane, they carry almost the entire line... As do we..

go into the store and try a on a few styles. Start with the 1966, which is their slimmest cut...

Yeah trusting my first instinct got me the Sling & Stones, which I am very hapy with. I def. want a jean that's slightly tighter in the lower leg part, but I'm not at all complaining about the Davids.

I am planning on visiting some family in SF in a couple of months and I am going to plan a trip out to Self Edge!

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