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badass alternatives to washing

Corbin Law

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ok ive been wearing my Nudie RR dry selvage for 4 months, sleeping in them almost every night wEARING them every day when im not out and about.

and the whole thign about washing your dry jeans is so the wash reflects how you spent your time in your jeans. so i was thinking instead of washing them could i do something crazy and badass

like could i go cliff diving adn then waterskii in the middle of a rain storm while wearing my jeans and get the same effect as washing??


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Spray em with fabreeze instead so all those germs get out. Try using APC's "Seawater recipe" in which you let your jeans get as dirty as possible (of course you would use the spray too), so swimming in the ocean water with your jeans, rub jeans with dry sand, repeat several times, rinse in fresh water, and dry out in the sun. I'd like to see how that would turn out icon_smile_tongue.gif

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what if you live in england slap bang in the middle nowhere near to the sea

--- Original message by witts on Jul 11, 2005 03:39 PM

you gotta live near a lake...if not, wait for rain and find a mudd puddle and do it piggie style...

"God is Dead" - Neitzsche icon_smile_angry.gif

"Neitzsche is Dead" - God icon_smile_cool.gif

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Quote: like could i go cliff diving adn then waterskii in the middle of a rain storm while wearing my jeans and get the same effect as washing??

That would probably get you some crazy wear marks, and I recommend you to do it, but... the water in the wash must be hot (60 degrees preferably) to highlight the contrast in the wear marks...

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