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alcohol prior to surgery


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obviously will talk to my doctor about this first thing monday morning, but whats the deal with alcohol in the days preceding surgery.

without much thought i got pretty boozed last nite at a mates 21st (over 12 cans - yeah i know, big man) and a couple of cigarettes. i have surgery scheduled for monday afternoon, do i have anything to be worried about in regards to having been drunk 30 odd hours prior to going under the knife?

have seen figures on the net saying one should not drink / smoke for as long as 2 weeks prior to surgery. if my doc says it should be okay regardless, am i out of line for wanting to postpone the surgery anyway for the sake of something going wrong. would prefer to be on the safe side after all..

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alcohol thins the blood out, so it may not be such a great thing if your surgeon is trying to prevent excessive bleeding

but it also depends on the type of procedure it is, and how invasive of an operation...those two factors will probably determine whether you should push your surgery back or not

NOTE : I am not a medical professional, I have an EMT license and have done shitloads of internships at hospitals, so I am giving you my opinion based on said experiences. THE BEST way to get your answer to thise question is consult your medical doctor

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i don't know how you totally disregard your health when u could just get smashed a few days after ur surgery

i wont give any advice because i dont know the answer, but good luck

hope to see u post again (after monday) haha

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you really only have to worry if you have been drinking wine or grape products when it comes to thinning the blood. beer or hard liquor dont really have that much of an affect. they tell you to stop smoking 2 weeks prior as it decreases blood supply to the tissues and impairs your ability to heal. the only thing you need to be aware of is that binge drinking impairs you liver function. in terms of your liver (ie what processes/excretes things like medication and anesthesia) as a general rule you should mention it to your md and have a metabolic pannel drawn the day of your surgery...sorry for the long winded reply

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