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Being Canadian, we're exposed to pretty everything the states has to offer (from movies to music to television, etc), but it seems like some of our finest exports aren't necessarily as well known as those coming from south of the boarder. Maybe I'm completely off base here, but if anyone stateside hasn't heard of or seen the Trailer Park Boys yet you're missing out. Greatest show ever.

start here http://www.dailymotion.com/colbybear/video/xhjlo_s01e01-trailer-park-boys


Oh yeah, and the Tragically Hip kick ass too.

Fuck community college lets get drunk and eat chicken fingers.

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I heard they tried to show the Trailer park boys on TV in the states but had to Beep all the swearing and that why it never caught on.

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I went to see The Who with my dad as sort of a belated-birthday present to himself (he was huge into The Who as a kid, went to tons of their shows) and the Tragically Hip opened for them. Probably the single worst band I've ever seen in my life.

servo i always thought you had pretty good taste in music, im a little shocked

back on topic: anything david cronenberg did before a history of violence, and maybe existenz, that was kinda gay

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Have you seen them live, Sean_?

I've never listened to their music so I don't know anything about them, all I know is that if their balding, middle-aged lead singer flipped his little handkerchief at the audience while wearing his "too cool for mid-90s hipsters" hat/beret thing whilst what I can only describe as "posturing" with his microphone I was going to start throwing shit.

Some combination of the notion that you would name your band "The Tragically Hip" and how mind-boggling irritating that guy was just too much for me.

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i know some americans who are very very very into kids in the hall (which i'm not). kind of strange.

That show is pretty well known in some circles, both in the US and Canada. The movie is a masterpiece.

With magical dialogue like that:

"-Where's dad?

-Upstairs watching gay porn...


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Servo: I saw them live 3 times...not only were they pretty amazing (Yes, Gord Downie is a fucking wackjob, but he's a great singer in an unconventional sense, and a brilliant songwriter) the first two shows I saw they donated 50% of ticket prices to relieving hunger in africa.

That and I think they're one of the few bands that has made a transition from classic rock (from a canadian perspective) to current rock without completely fucking the dog.

Fuuma: the best scene in that movie hands down:


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how bout all the fucking japanese canadian beer they serve in american sushi restaurants? yea sapporo and asahi is basically molson canadian. if you've ever tasted the real imported from japan asahi you can tell, japanese one is much much more dry

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TRUE totally forgot about kenny vs. spenny. the old stuff was the best, when it was more realistic and they were both just being themselves instead of charicatures of themselves, but its still hilariously immature.

Hocus: Sailboats are White are fucking ridiculous live, the lead singer is ridiculous. Also, check out cities in dust for awesome dancy party angry tunes.


Sapporo is brewed in Guelph.

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my boyfriend's roommate had all of kenny vs. spenny on dvd... i probably spent at least 5 hours a day watching it while he was at work.

i don't think i have laughed harder than when kenny locks spenny in his closet/prison so he can win the boxing match, only to have three days' worth of shit and piss thrown all over him when he lets spenny out.


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^^^ bahahahahhahahh.... i actually peed my pants when that happened. i'm a big fan of the "who can be homeless longer" episode, where as a humilitation kenny gets to kick spenny in the balls as hard as he can.

"the classic kick in the balls"

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Trailer Park Boys movie was hilarious.

Corner Gas on the other hand.........

Whatever happened to when Air Farce was good.

And good ol' Red Green.

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dude... the episode i mentioned, kenny makes it up to spenny by taking that week's punishment... which was to pee his pants.

arguably the single finest hour of canadian television.

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