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what to do? rant rant rant


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my house got broken into...

shit that was stolen was

2x NDS lite

30 gig vid ipod



ipod shuffle

nike dunk hawaii's

24/36 shirts i printed

parents jewlery and money

and some other shit

i think a friend of mine did it

he doesnt go to school anymore and he doesnt work either

the last time i saw him was wen he was chilling over at my house and he said how we should go break into somehows house and jack all their shit...he's the only person that has ever asked me to do that

he ran away from home and is currently living with his friend...he desperately needs money too

the giveaway is the items that were stolen...or not...

2 days prior to this him and me got into a lil arguement over his gf so that coulda been it

fuckkkkk.....so only my other friend knows where he's living at now, i told him to go over there and look around...

cops were called and they came and just wrote down the items missing...doubt they'll ever find out who did it

so what should i do?

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the thing is i dont have PROOF

right now he's just the most logical solution as to who could have done it

and i know if its him, he'd do it with a few friends cause he doesnt have a car..

i asked all of my other friends about the situation and when i told them if they had to guess who it was who would it be...they said him...the ones that said they dunno agreed with me after i said i think it was him

the thing is i don't have proof proof...my parents and relatives tell me to just let it go..

fuck that...thats a lotta pairs of denim i could've gotten...

right now only plan i got is my friend who is pretty close to him, he's gonna make a surprise visit to his house and see if theres anything there

if i accuse him he'll just deny deny deny unless theres hard evidence

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Dude sorry for your loss...

Sounds like whomever did this, it was purely cash n' carry items. Shit to flip asap..i would check local pawn shops, craigslist, and any other method in your area to flip these for cash, fast cash. The next thing I would advise is, to trust your gut but be wary of whom you tell. If this dude is shady, i'd be careful of whom you tell to check on him. If the guy is down and out, he's desperate. Finally, that being said..what's with this guys girl ? maybe she knows something ?

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The sufu boyz club should be able to solve the investigation.

Anyway, what kind of evidence is the police gonna take? If your friend manages to get a photo of your stuff in his place, is that gonna cut it?

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the guys girl is gonna be 100% on his side...she drives and takes him everyone so she prolly was the get away car -__-

i have no idea what the police will accept as evidence..i think ima have to take shit into my own hands if i find out its him

this guys desperate and has nothing to lose but lol i dont think he's dangerous....

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i got involved with this dude cuzz i knew this fucker since he was 5...

he's very hot headed and its very easy to become his enemy..

all the other guys got my back and have already agreed to lynch his ass but i don't want to get hasty just yet...im only 99% sure right now and there could always be some freak ass coincedence that he didnt do it

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My house got broken into a few years back, weirdest thing, the guy stole a few cups of change, a couple nintendo etc systems, and a few thousand dollars worth of liquor.

He got caught the same day, because he tried to sell off all the systems/games, and my little bro named off all the ones we had lost.

So, check around, and see if anyone happens to be pawning off stuff on the cheap, or at one of those trade in stores.

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my house got broke into when i was 7, fucking traumatizes me to this day.

anyways, if you think its this bloke, call him up and weasel a confession outta him. if he doesn't bite, go over to his house, break in, snoop around, see what you come up with an leave. if he's got the stuff, call the cops, they won't get on you for breaking in to his house as they'll get on him for jacking your stuff (and from what you're describing of the dude, he's gonna have other stuff because he's a klepto common thief), so you win anyways. if he doesnt have your shit, leave some money on the counter for the door, no harm no foul. i wouldnt chill with some slum freak if i knew he has sticky fingered tendencies...

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member when it happened to me last year, it was traumatizing how the fuker threw my house inside out, made my mom scared, anyhow the dumbfuck left prints of his shoe on the carpet and later the on the police told me to come to the side door where they got in "you see this? this is crowbar marks" i said "they must be really dumfucks cuz my sidedoor was unlocked." i cant believe they even jacked my jar of coins.

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yup, i just came home from a water polo game where we got raped so i wasnt in a happy mood, you could actually see the little impressions on the side door molding, i think they couldnt open it with a crowbar so they just grabbed the knob and the door opened. but seriously having someone come inside your house and seeing your house turned inside out, just makes you wanna......

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  • 1 month later...


ok...so it wasn't the guy i thought it was...it was a completely random act, just coincedence


some new guy joined my friend's tutoring place..this new guy's been hitting on her and he added her on myspace, she was looking through his top 8 and one of the pic has a group pic. In the group, one of the fuckers IS WEARING THE SHIRT I MADE!!!

hahhahahaha i love myspace now :D

the plan is to get his full name,age,grade,school

then call back the cop and show em the pics, and info and see what happens..

so what do you think?

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alas.... my friend nothing hurts like having some asshole take all of your stuff and theres nothing that you can easily do about it. I am very sorry for your loss' and hope that you can get most of your stuff back, don't know but it should be covered by your homeowners ins. Anyways ask that kid where he got the shirt from and take it from there. I hope your situation gets better.

no doubt the boys club will help dig graves for you if you catch my drift...

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its original and bold...

pics when i first got them


Shot with DSC-P10 at 2007-07-16

pics of the fuckers


Shot at 2007-07-16

another pic


Shot at 2007-07-16

there are a bunch more pics but i can't see them because their private, but if you want i could ask my friend to send me them

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cmon man...just give this kid some noogies or something. look at these young thugs....ahahahaha...i'm trying to pinpoint who the funniest one is...i think it's the kid kneeling down with the glasses...this is like the philipino stussy mafia of suburbia.

lol...dude...remember this kid pulled a fuking grand theft:mad:

hahhaa i aint gon let this shit go!:rolleyes:

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