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Retarded people asking retarded questions...


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i had one guy offer some life advice to me:

another guy:

another dude asking me about a mhi jacket...

i get a lot of the following kind of questions:

- hey i'm looking for apc cures for my gf, what size are you and do you have a big ass? will they fit her?

- where did you buy your shemagh? i will pay you money to send one to me.

- what edwins are those? (my re: they're womens, basically 505s) oh nevermind, i wouldn't wear girl jeans.

- zomg, what camera are you using?

But seriously, do you have a big ass?

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Sidney IM's ME! Im cooler than all of you.

Granted he was stuck inside doing some homework and he was yelling at me for being a loser....whatever i win.

you ain't special.

sidney bought me a movado watch.

i love it, even though the jeweler messed it up and put the

M in upside down, so it says Wovado.

and, i don't even care that the watch don't work, cause it is

shiny and pretty. plus, i need it to cover up my wrist, i'm getting

a rash and turning greenish.

thanks sid!

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Hey Matt,

I chatted with Eric,

and like you thought - he's not ready for any real committment right now - and he feels guilty being with another girl because he might get back together with his ex - so in any case - I want to have marathon sex with you - and now my feelings are focused on you and only you (like they should have been all along)

P.S. - although I want your body, and am an increadibly horney girl - I also think that you are an awesome person and would definitly love to spend copious amount of time hanging out and doing random things with you.

When we were watching the movie the other night you said you wanted to fall in love .... well so do I ... but guys these days seem to be all over the map ... not wanting to be tied down to one girl - just having sex. Where are you in this crazy scheme of things?

Be honest!


holy shit what have i DONE?

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Whaaaat about the HBer who offered Sidney money to have him soak his jeans?

I used to have a fake Rolex, it was cool until the crown fell off and it was moving around in there.

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holy shit what have i DONE?

Hit the fucking jackpot my friend. I wouldn't take OMC's advice... I think he wants you to just rape the girl.

You should tread lightly, but depending on the circumstances you should really take it in stride and enjoy whatever you can from this... unless that's not what you're looking for. If it's not, give Diamonds a call. :P

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but she's so hard to handle. have you ever just sat there listening to a person talk thinking "holy shit, what the fuck is this person talking about. is she still talking? holy shit she is. what the fuck is she even yammering on about. i wonder if she'll shut up soon."

and why Diamonds? Is he looking for love?

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Hit the fucking jackpot my friend. I wouldn't take OMC's advice... I think he wants you to just rape the girl.

You should tread lightly, but depending on the circumstances you should really take it in stride and enjoy whatever you can from this... unless that's not what you're looking for. If it's not, give Diamonds a call. :P

no, i'm suggesting that he take full advantage of the simple pleasure of having another human being infatuated with you.

use her body for all its worth, con her into paying for nice dinners, get her to let you photograph her naked, pee on her, ask her to eat food covered in your semen, make

her clean your apartment and repay her with a pat on the ass and a "can we go have a romantic dinner tonight?", share her nudes with us, make her paypal money into my bank account, get her into flashing homeless men for your entertainment, teach her to play keyboards with her labia, make her wash your feet with her hair...

the possibilities are endless, and all i know is that if i had a girl interested in me like that, i would jump on it and ride the wave. its summer dude, have some fun.

you think you have to sit there and listen to her talk? she's hooked on you, man- you can tell her to shut the fuck up whenever you please and she'll probably just smile and

whimper a little.

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no, i'm suggesting that he take full advantage of the simple pleasure of having another human being infatuated with you.

use her body for all its worth, con her into paying for nice dinners, get her to let you photograph her naked, pee on her, ask her to eat food covered in your semen, make

her clean your apartment and repay her with a pat on the ass and a "can we go have a romantic dinner tonight?", share her nudes with us, make her paypal money into my bank account, get her into flashing homeless men for your entertainment, teach her to play keyboards with her labia, make her wash your feet with her hair...

the possibilities are endless, and all i know is that if i had a girl interested in me like that, i would jump on it and ride the wave. its summer dude, have some fun.

you think you have to sit there and listen to her talk? she's hooked on you, man- you can tell her to shut the fuck up whenever you please and she'll probably just smile and

whimper a little.

this man speaks the truth... if i had a girl i didnt really like that was acting like this twords me, id do it.

and the labia keyboard thing... i was amazed how easy it was to teach that.

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