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Food is Overrated


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you are what you eat. if you think food is nothing, here's an exaggerated example. this is what's happening in india because of a huge influx of fast food:


(click on the image for the article.)

there are, though, tons of overrated, overpriced restaurants out there, is that's what you're getting at. but food itself ain't overrated.

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food is very, very underrated!

one of the big things i would change about american culture is our attitude towards food.

i believe if more people in america ate better food and enjoyed it more, we would have less drug abuse and other addictive behaviors (like pigging out). the pleasure mechanisms in the brain are activated with food in the same way they are activated during sex and drug use. one thing i love about many cultures outside the u.s. is their respect and love of food. it's not about how much you get, it's about how good the food is. there is so much beauty in food, so much culture, so much soul. you can tell a lot about a people's culture by the food they eat.

i'm really happiest in life when i have a good meal and some nice drinks with friends. it just doesn't get better than that.

so, sum it all up, no, food is not overrated. you just haven't been doing it right.

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^^ What he said, food is great, well-made @ home food is even better. The only reasons to go to a restaurant are to try new food or hit up a diner and hang out; fuck chain restaurants, what a bore:

• Denny's

• Sherry's


• Black Angus

• Applebee's

• TGIFriday's

• Chili's

• etc

It's all the same shitty food with a slightly different presentation; I'm not even going to mention fast food. Though in fast food's defense, at least dollar menus are cheap.

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If you can't justify spending good money on food, you're probably just a culinary philistine. The more time and interest you put into cooking and food, the more you hate everything else. Personally I hate eating 95% of people's home cooking nowadays, shit just taste like underflavoured mush.

I spent $220 at the Red Fort in Soho on my girlfriend's 21st... a fucking well spent $220 though. Shit has ruined my Indian cooking for life.

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i agree that food is in no way overrated, as everyone else says. But the attitude shown by the OP is a major problem in this country, so many people have a food is food mentality, or worse, a the cheaper is better mentality, which sickens me. Im not saying you should only buy what most expensive, but damn, its what you are putting INTO your body.. thats definately more important than what you put onto your body. NO ONE should EVER eat a banquet frozen dinner for example... or anything with (partially) hydrogenated oils for that matter, but most people inexplicably just dont care what they are doing to their body.

I work in a grocery store in middle class suburbia in the Midwest, so i see food purchasing habits at their worst.. it amazes me what most people fill their carts with.

And about the chili's/applebees/generic american chain restaurant thing, one reason i think alot of people like them because they all overly salt everything on the menu, and alot of us have grown accustom to an overly salty diet. Plus yeah, they have advertisement money, high visibilty, etc.. makes me sad that independently/family owned restaurants can hardly compete... but I myself will ALWAYS look for the less obvious/more adventerous/nutritously sound choice, regardless of price (alot of really good, high-quality family owned ethnic restaurants are cheaper than eating at applebees, chili's/etc.).. but then you always gotta look out for the generic americanized chinese/mexican restaurant, because those can be just as bad or worse than the generic american chain restaurant.

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"High" prices for top-end food is just the way our society operates financially. The "high" prices you pay covers the "high-end" restaurants' rent / decor / service. The "high" prices are also just jacked up since the cook knows that what he/she has made is well sought for and is around to make an extra couple of bucks.

Cooking your own "good"/"healthy" food can also get expensive. With the extra costs of organic / "all natural" groceries, prices can really add up.

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In bit of a defense of the OP, I think he titled the treat terribly, he should've titled it:

I hate it when my peers in high school discuss expensive dining experiences in a competitive, and snobbish manner when they themselves do not have the means to pay for such experiences by themselves.

that is bit too long, and there are plenty of flaws with that statement as well. But like Chicken has been saying, the way this country's diet works is just scary. We are bombarded with totally unncessary sludge of corn syrup mostly because politicians have caved into demands of corn farmers who should've out of business if their fate were left up to natural economic process.

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In bit of a defense of the OP, I think he titled the treat terribly, he should've titled it:

I hate it when my peers in high school discuss expensive dining experiences in a competitive, and snobbish manner when they themselves do not have the means to pay for such experiences by themselves.

probably not going to get a lot of sympathy for this sentiment at a forum where people enjoy spending hundreds of dollars for premium denim, because people believe in the superior quality over most cheap jeans.

but one good way to get back at people who are snobby but with poor taste: develop good taste so that you could find good things cheap.

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I'm with the OP on this one. But I'd like to add, I fucking hate the word "foodie". Call yourself a fat-ass, food snob, food elitist, food fetishist, anything... but foodie? Talk about a term that makes me want to knee you in the groin.

Imagine one of us telling another person we're a clothie. Ugh.

Oh, and the people who go to restaurants to take photos of their foods... give me a break. I want to start a website where people take photos of their shits after they eat their meals and then brag about how solid it was, or how expensive the food in their shit was.

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I'm with the OP on this one. But I'd like to add, I fucking hate the word "foodie". Call yourself a fat-ass, food snob, food elitist, food fetishist, anything... but foodie? Talk about a term that makes me want to knee you in the groin.

Imagine one of us telling another person we're a clothie. Ugh.

Oh, and the people who go to restaurants to take photos of their foods... give me a break. I want to start a website where people take photos of their shits after they eat their meals and then brag about how solid it was, or how expensive the food in their shit was.

Now this is really fucking stupid.

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my rant was kind of exagerated but i do think its stupid to discuss expensive restaurants when you cant afford them. by 40 dollar steak i meant what i would actually pay, not with my parents or something.

its more about my harsh feeling towards people who feel cultured cuz they went to a nice restaurant and they remember the name of their plate.

whatever its all good


i agree its a waste of money if ur broke as fuck and trying to eat out at fancy dinners.

but truly good food is hard to find. FUCK franchises like Applebees, find your local dive bar, or authentic chinese or viet pho place for a cheap meal if u cant afford a nice steak dinner.

Most people waste their money on useless shit like a cup of coffee every morning, or a bag of chips at a snack. This adds up quickly if u consider it lets say u spend $3 on cofee/snacks a day (instead of bringing a snack or whatever)

thats $15 a week , 60 a month

im trying to boycott alot of franchises if i can, not because the food is terrible (it's sometimes tasty and cheap), but because I'd rather support indepedent and cultural foods than the homogenized burger, and crappy pasta joint

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I'm with the OP on this one. But I'd like to add, I fucking hate the word "foodie". Call yourself a fat-ass, food snob, food elitist, food fetishist, anything... but foodie? Talk about a term that makes me want to knee you in the groin.

Imagine one of us telling another person we're a clothie. Ugh.

Oh, and the people who go to restaurants to take photos of their foods... give me a break. I want to start a website where people take photos of their shits after they eat their meals and then brag about how solid it was, or how expensive the food in their shit was.

The term is pretty stupid, considering the fact that there are better ones already out there. I think it's come out of American's hate of fancy and luxurious "big" words. Therefore "foodie" is alright, but "epicurean" equals teh gay.

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Guest jmatsu
yea i would deffinately not eat @ mcdonalds but any middle of the road restaurant is fine with me.

i think being young and getting expensive food is even more snobish than buying expensive jeans because its gonna last a long time, but food is deff not. im also not a big eater so that really changes my opinion (im THAT mexican that doesnt eat beans)

sorry...this may be condescending, but you're young, seem alittle uncultured/uncoothe , and probably are of limited financial means, right (correct me if i'm wrong)? "being young and getting expensive food is even more snobbish than buying expensive jeans..." for some of the sufu members/or other people who come from more affluent upbringings this is just a way of life. i really don't see how you can criticize young people for wanting to eat expensive food if infact that food is of a quality that legitimizes it's pricetag and if this is of their normal habits. no young kid is going to spontaneously have a change of heart (palate) and one day prefer patte (which is actually not even considered gourmet in other countries) to a quarterpounder. this ismost likely due to what is introduced to them by their parents/families.

i really don't see the point of the "middle of the road restaurants." if you mean family diners such as chilis, olive garden and such i feel for you. you might as well just eat at a fast food chain. you're basically getting the same shit at a higher price plus have to tip (well in the west you do...). the interior ambiance can't be that much superior, can it? anyway i am generalizing, but i would suggest trying all kinds of cuisines, then making the comparisons.

i firmly stand by that saying of "you get what you pay for."

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Guest StuckOnStupid
sorry...this may be condescending, but you're young, seem alittle uncultured/uncoothe , and probably are of limited financial means, right (correct me if i'm wrong)? "being young and getting expensive food is even more snobbish than buying expensive jeans..." for some of the sufu members/or other people who come from more affluent upbringings this is just a way of life. i really don't see how you can criticize young people for wanting to eat expensive food if infact that food is of a quality that legitimizes it's pricetag and if this is of their normal habits. no young kid is going to spontaneously have a change of heart (palate) and one day prefer patte (which is actually not even considered gourmet in other countries) to a quarterpounder. this ismost likely due to what is introduced to them by their parents/families.

i really don't see the point of the "middle of the road restaurants." if you mean family diners such as chilis, olive garden and such i feel for you. you might as well just eat at a fast food chain. you're basically getting the same shit at a higher price plus have to tip (well in the west you do...). the interior ambiance can't be that much superior, can it? anyway i am generalizing, but i would suggest trying all kinds of cuisines, then making the comparisons.

i firmly stand by that saying of "you get what you pay for."

Jmatsu is like the Jason Blossom of Superfuture.

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sorry...this may be condescending, but you're young, seem alittle uncultured/uncoothe , and probably are of limited financial means, right (correct me if i'm wrong)? "being young and getting expensive food is even more snobbish than buying expensive jeans..." for some of the sufu members/or other people who come from more affluent upbringings this is just a way of life. i really don't see how you can criticize young people for wanting to eat expensive food if infact that food is of a quality that legitimizes it's pricetag and if this is of their normal habits. no young kid is going to spontaneously have a change of heart (palate) and one day prefer patte (which is actually not even considered gourmet in other countries) to a quarterpounder. this ismost likely due to what is introduced to them by their parents/families.

i really don't see the point of the "middle of the road restaurants." if you mean family diners such as chilis, olive garden and such i feel for you. you might as well just eat at a fast food chain. you're basically getting the same shit at a higher price plus have to tip (well in the west you do...). the interior ambiance can't be that much superior, can it? anyway i am generalizing, but i would suggest trying all kinds of cuisines, then making the comparisons.

i firmly stand by that saying of "you get what you pay for."


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i cant find decent food in atlanta under 15 bucks per meal.

some of the best food i had here were the ones I cooked personally.

in addition, after going on a year long diet, there's an implicit connection in my head.

food = bad for you. in general, i don't really enjoy eating all that much any more.

another thing: i ALWAYS get disappointed when i eat out. even if i pay 25 bucks for a meal, all i get is some mediocre garbage.

I do find really good eats in places like nyc for <10 bucks. NOT HERE.

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Guest jmatsu

sorry if i offended any of your high spelling standards. i had a similar sentiment about your most recent waywt pic. U CANT DRESS GOOD...DUN POST IT.

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some of the best food i had here were the ones I cooked personally.

this should be true for pretty much everyone. buy some cookbooks (this is honestly one area where teh internets can't compete) and try new things. figure out what you like and have fun. sign up for a CSA with farm. drop by your local fish or meat market.

food doesn't have to be expensive to be good, and you don't need to be ferran adria to cook a great meal.

and lastly, have you ever seen the inside of a chili's or an applebee's kitchen? every entree they serve, excepting hamburgers (pastas, chicken, pork, etc.), is prepared off-site in some massive factory, vacuum-sealed, then boiled on site to temp. it's very consistent, and it's very boring...

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sorry if i offended any of your high spelling standards. i had a similar sentiment about your most recent waywt pic. U CANT DRESS GOOD...DUN POST IT.


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this should be true for pretty much everyone. buy some cookbooks (this is honestly one area where teh internets can't compete) and try new things. figure out what you like and have fun. sign up for a CSA with farm. drop by your local fish or meat market.

food doesn't have to be expensive to be good, and you don't need to be ferran adria to cook a great meal.

and lastly, have you ever seen the inside of a chili's or an applebee's kitchen? every entree they serve, excepting hamburgers (pastas, chicken, pork, etc.), is prepared off-site in some massive factory, vacuum-sealed, then boiled on site to temp. it's very consistent, and it's very boring...

From what I understand, this is what Taco Bell (probably others too) does as well.

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Guest jmatsu

def disapointed.

i expected alittle better then your logic of: my not wearing clothes = not posting.

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