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work attire

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Sup guys, I was just offered and internship at an engineering company, Pitney Bowes. My question is what do you think would be proper attire to wear to work? I'm guessing khakis or something of the sort. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated since im new to the whole "you're now in the real world" jobs. Brands would be awesome too since I don't usually look into these sorts of clothes. I'm sure you guys will have a few good ideas. Thanks in advance.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

have you looked into cassette playa?

no but seriously are you from mars, perhaps? the moon? you have never seen an office schmuck in khakis and a polo shirt? this should be in the smaller than small questions....

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Guest ksr1900

i think you should wear alot of big pants...really big pants...with tight shirts...and really really big pants...lots of them...be sure theyre really big...and baggy...really baggy

you should also wear hats...hats are in...and cool...really really cool...plus you should be sure to wear sandals...preferably birkenstocks...or crocks...crocks are dope

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Get a few slim cut pairs of trousers in grey, black pinstripe, etc.

Basic captoes in black n brown, maybe a pair of good chukka boots.

And slim cut collared shirts in toned down colors. If youre like me and dont live within 1000 miles of an H&M and youre on a budget, you can get CK and BCBG collared shirts for like $20 on sale at any Macy's and they actually look good.

Youre set. and probably looking better than most of your co-workers.

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Save your dollars and go with JesseB's ideas, but only buy week's worth of outfits. Then you can spend your money on stuff you'll actually wear outside of work. When the summer's over, you'll be so sick of wearing the same work clothes over and over again. But then you can burn them and not feel guilty about it.

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As long as you aren't really skinny (at least 30 waist, 38 chest), Express should have a lot of cheapish, decent looking stuff that would work for this sort of thing, and they are ALWAYS having sales.

jcrew has some khakis that you can custom make to go down to a 28 waist. really helps when most pants sizes are too large..

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thanks guys for all the ideas icon14.gif

im really thinking about just trying my chances at h&m and uniqlo since im pretty close to nyc. i'm lookin for a happy medium between too casual and formal. i have a pair of grey dior 19cm that seem decent for an office, what do you guys think... i'm not too sure i could pull of jeans at the job... ?

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Depends what everyone else is wearing. I would just buy a few thing to get you through the first week so you can suss out everyone else and then wait for the weekend after to stock up on stuff. See when I started my office job I bought up on 'office attire' only to find out I could wear whatever the fuck I wanted.

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^+1 Def don't do serious shopping until you get a vibe for how far you can stretch the boundaries. Also, if you live in the burbs, go thrift shopping in affluent neighborhoods. If you're lucky you can pick up an entire guy's wardrobe in one go for under 100...

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Get a few slim cut pairs of trousers in grey, black pinstripe, etc.

Basic captoes in black n brown, maybe a pair of good chukka boots.

And slim cut collared shirts in toned down colors. If youre like me and dont live within 1000 miles of an H&M and youre on a budget, you can get CK and BCBG collared shirts for like $20 on sale at any Macy's and they actually look good.

Youre set. and probably looking better than most of your co-workers.

Agreed. I hate khakis. Also try TJ Maxx for collared shirts/ties, and I don't know if ties are necessary, but I would do it just to make things interesting and less boring office BS attire. I hate to say it, but for cheap, decent cut trouser Express is good. I would go with a shoe that has a thinner sole (but still comfortable of course) and medium/round toe. Please don't buy Sketchers. DSW is your friend.

You can do toned down colors, but still make it interesting. Stay with a white or soft blue shirt and let the tie make it interesting. Try to stay away from any kind of striped shirts, unless it's pretty subtle, or you'll look like a an assclown. Solid, solid, solid.

I'd dress like an obnoxious asshole with tons of color, but that's just me. I like to make dressing up fun, when and wherever I can. Thick knotted tie and everything. Fuck skinny ties.

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The clothes I have been wearing to work are Brooks Brothers shirts. You should get some kaks, puddy, navy, and black pants. The B&B stuff is somewhat expensive but the quality is great. Plus they have slim cut shirts which is very nice.:)

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As much as ppl are hating on khakis, that's basically the engineer's uniform - paired with either a polo or button-down oxford.

You might want to consider wearing something somewhat dressy for the first day - khaki, shirt and tie perhaps - and then scoping out what the other employees wear.

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