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Anyone know C++ and want to make some quick cash?


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Anyone want to do my Intro to C++ homework assingments for $20? There are 6 assignments, they don't have to be too technical since it's an intro class. Since the PM system is down you can email me at [email protected]

It should be pretty easy for anyone that knows C++

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Here is a sample of one of the home work assingments. I'll prolly check out that hw help site. I would do it myself, but I really don't care about C++ at all.

The Sell-You-All mobile phone company has just released its new rates. Your job will be to design and code an program that will calculate the cost of a single phone call.

The user enters the time the call begins and the time the call ends. Your program must do the following...

Calculate the duration of the call

Figure out the rate that applies

Calculate and display the total cost of the call

Here's the rate schedule...

8:00 A.M. to 8:59 P.M. --- $0.03 per minute

9:00 P.M. to 10:59 P.M. --- $0.02 per minute

11:00 P.M. to 7:59 A.M. --- $0.01 per minute

The rate is set by the time period in which the call starts. For example, if a call started at 7:55 A.M. and went until 9:00 A.M, the rate would be $0.01 for the entire call. You may assume that a call cannot be longer than 23 hours.

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you must be a drooling retard if you can't do this assignment

im not even a compsci major (couldn't even figure out recursion and quit CS)

but can code this in my head...

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I don't have any coding experience. I really don't feel like learning how to do it. I would rather pay someone to do this for me.

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holy shit i can't believe you actually did it, i don't know any c++ i just wanted to see if you would really do all that so someone else would do your homework for you hahahahaha


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