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Kohzo Jeans 36x34


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Jeans claimed, thanks all. (derdankhund - I'm having PM issues, so I don't know if my reply went through.. if you have a chance, can you PM me your address? thanks.)

Howdy. I'm a short-term lurker, sometimes shopper.. Anyhow, thanks to this forum, I've been exposed to a whole load of cool stuff, and as such, it's time for me to give back in one tiny little way.

First person to PM me can have these here jeans free of charge. US only, please.. Don't want to spend a ton in shipping.

I bought them off of Yoox a few weeks back, and have only worn them 2 or 3 times, but they're just too darn big. If it weren't for that, I'd be holding onto them. The pictures suck, but the jeans are covered mostly in grey wax, with the blue showing through on the thighs and seat. Length runs true to size, and the waist measures 19" flat. These are from Series 5.

Again, sorry for the crappy pics, let my sister borrow the camera.



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