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Guest StuckOnStupid

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Guest Airjamie
some african shit, nigga.

all fufu is quite tasty.

They didnt have it when i went to senegal? Is senegal just kinda like out of the african loop. I never told you this but your location is hilarious, i fucking hated that kid so bad.

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Guest Airjamie
I was wondering the same shit.

Clopek reminds me of this one kid who wanted so bad to be down with the team. Someone put him down, and then others started crossing him out, cause his affiliation was undeserved. Long and short of it, he snitched on his roomates, got the shit beat out of him, and last I heard was living in a tent near the east river.

Never personal.

Don't fuck with the team.

Harsh shit yo. +100000000000000 PTS And for the record the greatest thing i ever found in toronto was the smack. Vagina doesnt count as SF kindof fucks it up for the rest of the world in that dept.

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I was wondering the same shit.

Clopek reminds me of this one kid who wanted so bad to be down with the team. Someone put him down, and then others started crossing him out, cause his affiliation was undeserved. Long and short of it, he snitched on his roomates, got the shit beat out of him, and last I heard was living in a tent near the east river.

Never personal.

Don't fuck with the team.

you actually knew a kid like that?

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Guest Airjamie
Ask Carl, he's going to marry Akon this Summer in an outdoor ceremony.

The flowers they've picked out are DI-VINE.

Is that why he posted those satin assless chaps with the detatchable cock ring in recent purchases? WHERES MY INVITE CARL.

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i avoid at all costs using non-bank ATMs.

yes same here..Bank Of America for the most part has decent coverage. but gdam sometimes youre just stuck at some bar and all thats around are those sketchy ATMs and you just need to pull a 20 to get cab ride home.

longest run on sentence ever.

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try using an ATM in tijuana mexico, now that shit is shady as hell. 1st off about 90% of the ATM's in TJ only give pesos not US Dollars (even if they claim they give dollars)

2nd, about 80% of them dont even work when your trying to get your money from them, even if its pesos.

3rd, always take a cab to the ATM machines there, if you dont got a cabbie waiting for you in front of the ATM and its night out, then about 85 to 90% of the time you will get some local mexican cops who stock out the ATM machines and rob you of all the money you have in your account. If you refuse they take you to jail.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
so, SoS. your pops Igbo or Yoruba?


we don't talk much, so sometimes i pretend my dad is Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, aka Mr. Eko from Lost, aka Simon Adibisi from OZ. He is arguably Nigeria's most popular export after Fela Kuti, Sade, & petroleum.

Sometimes when I watch Lost, i pretend that I am a background character, and that my part will get bigger when I step up and avenge my father's death at the hands of the mysterious smoke monster. In my flashbacks, my father and I walk about the island and sagely dispense advice and guidance to the island's denizens. Sometimes when I watch Oz, i pretend that me and my dad Adibisi share the same pod. He gives me a cutoff denim shirt to wear, just like his,(we are the same size, isnt that cool??") and a little beanie that he perches on my head the same way he does. We are the muscle of the jail, and we control much of the distribution of "tits" in the prison. We are very feared for our vicious violence, and the prison is basically our playground. We rape anyone and everyone if the mood strikes us.

Yeah. I love my father, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. This post is for you, poppa! xoxox!


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Guest StuckOnStupid

thank you RBW.

there really is a difference.

Shoplifting is a victimless crime...like punching someone in the dark.

i like to think of myself as a modern day robin hood. i rob from the rich and give tothe poor.i am the poor. i give to me.

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thank you RBW.

there really is a difference.

Shoplifting is a victimless crime...like punching someone in the dark.

i like to think of myself as a modern day robin hood. i rob from the rich and give tothe poor.i am the poor. i give to me.

alright robin... im poor too. hook me up son

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we don't talk much, so sometimes i pretend my dad is Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, aka Mr. Eko from Lost, aka Simon Adibisi from OZ. He is arguably Nigeria's most popular export after Fela Kuti, Sade, & petroleum.

Sometimes when I watch Lost, i pretend that I am a background character, and that my part will get bigger when I step up and avenge my father's death at the hands of the mysterious smoke monster. In my flashbacks, my father and I walk about the island and sagely dispense advice and guidance to the island's denizens. Sometimes when I watch Oz, i pretend that me and my dad Adibisi share the same pod. He gives me a cutoff denim shirt to wear, just like his,(we are the same size, isnt that cool??") and a little beanie that he perches on my head the same way he does. We are the muscle of the jail, and we control much of the distribution of "tits" in the prison. We are very feared for our vicious violence, and the prison is basically our playground. We rape anyone and everyone if the mood strikes us.

Yeah. I love my father, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. This post is for you, poppa! xoxox!


this was a great post. thanks.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
what does being an immigrant have to do with this?

holy fuck.


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what does theivery have to do with this?

someone tell Shark that every time he wears a hoody under a blazer, he robs humanity worldwide of its dignity, and that is a crime far greater than not paying

for a few things every now and then.

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