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Best place to buy Diors in New York?


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Is there somewhere I can go, try them on, without being treated like some asshole kid who just wants to try things on and not buy them in the City? Aswell, whats a good site to purchase them online. I'm lookin for a pair of the black 19 cm. Im sorry if this has been asked before... : /

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Well, the internets tells me that the people at Dior Homme treat you like shit if they think you're window shopping, and I think that's what he's avoiding. Personally, I'd just go to Barneys, and if the one closest to you is anything like mines, they'll have the raws sold out, so you just try on one of the prewashes and tell them when you're returning them that you prefer raw. I assume it's the same fit?

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I was under the impression that the Dior Homme boutiques were extremely helpful with their customer service, at least thats how they treated me in LA (and Las Vegas). I probably tried on 5 or 6 pairs now that I think of it...

Anyways I think you should just try them on at DH... Whats the point of being afraid of what they'll think of you? I seriously doubt they'll "treat" you badly as long as you don't put on some sort of strange attitude. Just say "thanks, the fit's good but I'm not sure yet" with a smile and walk out, if anything.

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I went to the store at 57th and Madison today and tried on two pairs of 21cm's and a pair of shades without buying shit. I would have bought the jeans if I liked them... I would go there, seemed like they had plenty of sizes. It's not like they arent gonna let you try em on.

Also, I know Saks on 50th (or 51st?) and 5th had a bunch of 19cm raws when I was in there a little while back. They'll be happy to let you try whatever you want. ;)

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I was under the impression that the Dior Homme boutiques were extremely helpful with their customer service, at least thats how they treated me in LA (and Las Vegas). I probably tried on 5 or 6 pairs now that I think of it...

Anyways I think you should just try them on at DH... Whats the point of being afraid of what they'll think of you? I seriously doubt they'll "treat" you badly as long as you don't put on some sort of strange attitude. Just say "thanks, the fit's good but I'm not sure yet" with a smile and walk out, if anything.

Wont they get a guard to beat the shit out of him and throw him out the front door as an example to all freeloaders who dare to sample the genius of Hedi without having the intention to buy? Would you dare test drive a limited edition Ferrari if you dont intend to drive?

On a serious note, I was in Gucci once, saw this fat sweaty kid who was like late teens to early 20s and he was trying on all the mens wear. One look at him & i knew he wasnt there to buy. Not that I am a snob but my hunch is pretty accurate. Plus he did not have any rich parents with him. He looked like he was there to try because it was during sale and it was crowded.

The young naive SA was so accomodating. True to my belief, the kid came out of the fitting room and just tossed the now sweaty clothes at the counter and walked off. I think he was disappointed the SA did not fawn over him.

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