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Samurai Champloo


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btw, i just saw samurai champloo in japanese. i have to take back what i said about mugen. he doesn't speak okinawan dialect at all. he uses new school rough shibuya talk mixed in with anime speak. i guess they thought it would be too hard to understand if they used okinawan dialect--or they figured that tough shibuya talk sounds cooler (which it does).


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Champloo isn't nearly as well-thought out or well executed as Bebop for soooo many reasons (were I the blogging type, I would do an entry on it). It's definitely entertaining, but I still haven't found it good enough to invest the time into watching the whole thing.

Props to AS's Anime programming dept though... they air a lot of trash (Erueka 7, sCRYed come to mind... I also find Full Metal Alchemist overwrought and uninspired) but they also take chances on some great oddball (arthouse?) anime series (Bobobobobobobo is totally incomprehensible but entertaining at times, Crayon Shin-chan is probably better in Japanese, Ghost in the Shell is fucking amazing, and Paranoia Agent is pretty great for what it is)

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  shinchrono said:
I thought Samurai Champloo was very entertaining if not for the incredibly drawn/choreographed fight scenes, but I have to admit not much about it really screams "amazing."

That one zombie episode was pretty trippy though.

and now we know the secret to longevity: wasabi

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