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what streetwear brands are popular in Tokyo?

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stall, masterpiece, TASkateboarding, M.W.O.B.H.M., Motive, MadHectic

--- Original message by MilSpex on May 27, 2005 04:35 PM

milspex, just a question

how about brands like bal, fat, xescape, mackdaddy etc (there's still a lot more that i have heard of)

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stall, masterpiece, TASkateboarding, M.W.O.B.H.M., Motive, MadHectic

--- Original message by MilSpex on May 27, 2005 04:35 PM

milspex, just a question

how about brands like bal, fat, xescape, mackdaddy etc (there's still a lot more that i have heard of)

--- Original message by hahnstch on May 27, 2005 09:38 PM

from the jap mags and what some of my frens in Tokyo are into that's my list. yeh F.A.T. and bal are prolly still huge but forgot to list em. My list wasn't sposed to be official or anything just list more stuff if you think its popular in Tokyo. I don't think Mackdaddy is all that big anymore... just coz you've heard of a brand don't mean it has hype on it in Harajuku or Daikanyama right now btw..


Stop fucken editing yur posts Don'tCareTooMuchForCrap. Post what you think or don't post it. Think first - then post, don't change it later to 'fit in'. Just some advice.

2000AD Hectic Homeboys Lace Themselfs on a Daily Basis

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

Edited by MilSpex on May 28, 2005 at 06:35 PM

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F.A.T. is HUGE in Tokyo right now. Bal has always been consistent. Also Frapbois and Sifury are still popular brands. Personally F.A.T. is just heavy-logoed American-collegate/Hip-hop fashion, nothing special in my opinion.

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F.A.T. is HUGE in Tokyo right now. Bal has always been consistent. Also Frapbois and Sifury are still popular brands. Personally F.A.T. is just heavy-logoed American-collegate/Hip-hop fashion, nothing special in my opinion.

--- Original message by djrajio on May 28, 2005 07:16 PM

I don't feel F.A.T. at all either but is really popular there. Not into Bal either, too eccentric, but out of the Japanese domestic brands based in Daikanyama/Ebisu its the strongest imo. There was a digi/night camo jacket and pants combo setup that it did around 5 years ago when it was still the Balance Wear Design label that I wanted so bad tho'.

2000AD Hectic Homeboys Lace Themselfs on a Daily Basis

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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M.W.O.B.H.M -> mortal warrior of brute heavy metalions ????

like what?? what kind of brand name is that? i just found the name very weird...

some of the bal stuff aren't that eccentric actually, tends to be hit or miss for me. btw, if you go to www.zozo.jp, there are so many brands i've hardly ever heard of (like doarat, montage, phenomenon, swagger, earth music, soar, scanner etc), are they all popular among the kids in japan or only a few select are?

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Stop fucken editing yur posts Don'tCareTooMuchForCrap. Post what you think or don't post it. Think first - then post, don't change it later to 'fit in'. Just some advice.

yeah true that. i bet this guy is like 15 years old.

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Doarat, Montage, Swagger are mid-staple clothing brands that have been around for good number of years and still are popular. I have always loved Doarat's 80s street-wear tip and also cuz they tend to be cheaper than the other popular street brands. Montage is nothing to write home about; its your basic street/skater brand that does the graphic logo t-shirt/hoodie tip in the same bland grays/blacks/blues that other brands do better. The company is distributed by B's International, the same company that handles X-large, X-girl, Box Fresh, etc.. for the Japanese market. Swagger, is just another Jap-hip-hop tip. Personally I think Mack Daddy is MUCH MUCH better in bridging Jap influence to American hip-hop designs. Phenomenon is fairly new, as is earth music. Soar and scanner are skateboard brands? Could be wrong...nothing particularly interesting bout these brands...

As for Frapbois. The brand was started by Eri Utsugi in 2001. Its largely credited as one of the brands that started the cut-and-sew, loose fitted, androgenous style that's been a major trend for some years. Basically if you have ever been struck by the sight of guys in Tokyo sporting tight black panty hose under cut-off jeans and wearing loose-fitted layered v-neck t-shirts, you can sight Frapbois as a major influencer.

You can check some of her pieces at http://www.frapbois.jp/

Edited by djrajio on May 29, 2005 at 12:58 AM

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M.W.O.B.H.M -> mortal warrior of brute heavy metalions ????

like what?? what kind of brand name is that? i just found the name very weird...

some of the bal stuff aren't that eccentric actually, tends to be hit or miss for me. btw, if you go to www.zozo.jp, there are so many brands i've hardly ever heard of (like doarat, montage, phenomenon, swagger, earth music, soar, scanner etc), are they all popular among the kids in japan or only a few select are?

--- Original message by hahnstch on May 28, 2005 10:56 PM

Most of those other brands you mentioned have followings but the thread is more about whats hot in Tokyo right now for street wear brands. Doarat etc have been around for years and have passed their hype peak. Brands like Hectic etc seem to be more popular every year.. MWOHBM (yeh wierd name but heh its Japanese right?), Stall etc are more the flavour of the moment from what I can tell.

2000AD Hectic Homeboys Lace Themselfs on a Daily Basis

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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Abercrombie, Old Navy, etc are popular in Japan by the mere fact that Japanese can't purchase it in Japan. Anything international and not sold in Japan has greater cache-value. But like everything there, it has its boom then fizzles out fast. Trends there can go by as fast as a week or two; its like hyper-consumption on speed. Also, they can put a high mark-up Old Navy, Abercrombie by 20-30% by the mere fact that its an "import".

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Unbelievable. Some Old Navy is manufactured here in the Philippines and you can get overruns for ten dollars or maybe slightly lower. They don't look any better than the locally manufactured jeans, except to people who want to wear an American export brand manufactured locally. :D

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Unbelievable. Some Old Navy is manufactured here in the Philippines and you can get overruns for ten dollars or maybe slightly lower. They don't look any better than the locally manufactured jeans, except to people who want to wear an American export brand manufactured locally. :D

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i see a lot of japanese visitors at work here. they rock old school pumas, dc shoes, addidas, alot of af1's.

khakis, lvc's, some other pretty cool denim. a lot of em wear the same clothes a few days in a row. short sleeve button shirts, vw, guiness shirts. they dig american stuff.

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