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Ichiro has never batted well against DMat in the Japanese leagues so you know Ichiro has been waiting for another shot against him. DMat has also said that Ichiro is the one batter he has wanted to face the most. And while the media focuses on those two, Felix Hernandez takes the mound for the Mariners, and he absolutely dominated in his last start. This game should be great!!!

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figured i should be crossposting my WAYWT outfit because it's so heavily baseball related..

A's x Yankees x Yesterday




-New Era x Raw Denim

-Flat Head BB Jacket

-Band of Outsiders

-Free A's Towel

-FH 3001


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nettiemoore - I heard about all those injuries, tough break man.

kiya - Very nice jacket. Uniqlo Japan has a jacket with very similar details on the front. The material and construction probably can't compare to your FH but the Uniqlo jacket is only 3,000 yen.

Did anyone go to any games on Sunday? Not sure if anyone cares but I went to the Dodgers game that day (it was Jackie Robinson Day). I had pretty decent seats so I got to see Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks and some other legends up close. And it was cool to see everyone wear the number 42.

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the only game i really cared to watch got rained out...shit sucked.

oh and the jays are off to a 7-5 record to start the season if anyone is interested.

im watching em...they got a good team this year, im guessing they gonna make the playoffs..i think they will be ok without Ryan.

atlanta looks like their back to themselves again.

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I went to the Dodger Stadium for Jackie Robinson day as well. Kicked ass! Cool comemorative, and one of the best ball games I'd ever been to. Stuck it to the rival Padres grabbing the series, 9-2 victory! I got Mike Cameron's auto after the game which was cool.

Overall the dodgers are looking great Ethier is heating up, and hopefully Kemp will be off the DL soon. The only big loss is Schmitt.

Juan Pierre is pissing me off though! He needs to go in the closet and figure out where the hell he left his game...sometimes he scares me when playing outfield (and frankly I have a better throughing arm.), and I don't care if he can steal a million bases, if he can't get to the first one it doesn't matter much.

Dodgers NL Champs!

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No hitter from Mark Buehrle GO SOX!!!!

yeeeee. first white sox pitcher to throw one in sixteen seasons..texas got rocked.

anyone see charlie mannuel (sp?, phillies skipper) go off on that reporter after the games against the mets?....dude challenged him to a fight and started shouting nonsense and shit! i never saw charlie so mad, he's always really mellow..wonder if bud is gonna suspend him or give him a fine..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm beyond loving it.. i'm totally ecstatic about the entire thing.

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Before the A's game on my front steps...



-New Era x A's x Raw Denim

-Ayyacola Iran Coke

-Flat Head BB

-Iron Heart 634s


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hey yankees have fun with the prima dona roger clemens...all that $ still wont buy you a championship...hey roger, your gonna get blasted next time you come to h-town..poser ass texan... and draytons gonna knock your son out of our minor league system...he just kept him in there becuase of you.

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blue jays havent had a good start to the season at all. today they lost their ninth game in a row against the red sox.

whats evens more unfortunate is that it was announced that bj ryan will have tommy johns surgery. he will be lost for the rest of this season and also possibly early into spring training next season. :(

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^^^BJ Ryan is basically done for next season too. It takes two years to fully recover ball speed and velocity after Tommy John surgery so next year Ryan won't be as dominant as he is usually.

Dice-K's last outing was pretty good. I think the thing he needs to focus on is throwing strikes when there are runners in scoring position. Runners on base seems to throw him off (perhaps he's just not used to that since he was pretty dominant in Japan), and he starts to walk a lot of guys. If he can get those walks under control, he'll be great.

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A's = 17 runs


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red sox are doing really, really well.

look at their pitching. they have wakefield, beckett (7 wins-0 losses), matsuzaka and schilling. all with at least 4 wins a piece. closing they have okajima (0.53 ERA), papelbon (10 saves!).

plus their bats are crazy.

matsuzaka is getting better. if everyone stays healthy, it looks like world series time again.

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