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  cuddlysheep said:
any sufu members nice enough to share thier mlb.tv account? im going to be doing over time at work and i need to see the giants vs boston game tonight!!!!:(, please PM me if you can help. Thanks!

I don't have an account, but if you missed it, pretty good game (at least I think so since the Sox won) Pedroia went 5 for 5 with an HR and 5 RBIs, the little bastard is .001 point behind Ortiz, 2nd on the team. Dave Roberts got a nice ovation too, his first time back since the ring ceremony on opening day 05

Yankees, or should I say Clemens lost to the Mets.

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Wow, interleague is a joke, I think only the worst AL teams (including the Yankees (zing)) lost yesterday. The AL stomped em, I mean the Royals held off the Cards until the 14th, other than that the only AL teams that lost were the DRays and the White Sox.

And to be fair the Rockies beat up on the Red Sox too.

Julian Tavarez is looking better and better with every start, last night he shut out the Braves and the offense came alive with 5 home runs. Coco's got a new stance and has hit 3 dingers in the series (bout time)

Oh and they went to the fucking Rangers game every time Sosa was up. I wish he had hit 600 on his first at bat so I could have watched the rest of my game in peace!

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yea, the AL is so much better....kinda like the how the western conference dominates the NBA...

coco's been making some crazy catches out there and its good to see his batting average going up as well...

samy sosa :rolleyes: ...whats that new steroid thay havent got around to banning yet thats kinda under the radar?

kinda fishy when he was off the juice, he only had like what, 15 for baltimore that year.

i guess he took that year off to learn better english so he could comment about 600.

  hawkeye said:
Wow, interleague is a joke, I think only the worst AL teams (including the Yankees (zing)) lost yesterday. The AL stomped em, I mean the Royals held off the Cards until the 14th, other than that the only AL teams that lost were the DRays and the White Sox.

And to be fair the Rockies beat up on the Red Sox too.

Julian Tavarez is looking better and better with every start, last night he shut out the Braves and the offense came alive with 5 home runs. Coco's got a new stance and has hit 3 dingers in the series (bout time)

Oh and they went to the fucking Rangers game every time Sosa was up. I wish he had hit 600 on his first at bat so I could have watched the rest of my game in peace!

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Fireworks and noone even mentions the possiblility that Sammy was on steroids on ESPN... even though you can see pretty dramatic changes in his body size over the past few years.

This blog on the Sox I read mentioned how interesting it is for happy go lucky Dominican Sammy to get all this positive media coverage while Barry Bonds the angry with the world black dude gets such negative coverage. I don't realy care either way, I still think they are both cheaters and I still think Bonds is a dick.

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  hawkeye said:
Fireworks and noone even mentions the possiblility that Sammy was on steroids on ESPN... even though you can see pretty dramatic changes in his body size over the past few years.

This blog on the Sox I read mentioned how interesting it is for happy go lucky Dominican Sammy to get all this positive media coverage while Barry Bonds the angry with the world black dude gets such negative coverage. I don't realy care either way, I still think they are both cheaters and I still think Bonds is a dick.

Fuck, if more motherfuckers on Yanks were juicing just about now (looking hard at Matsui), we wouldn't be getting swept by them bums from Colorado!

hmm, is this the first time I've came out in the open about my loyalty to the Empire? Well, so be it, i see good amount of BoSox love around here but that won't stop me! I was a Yomiuri fan before being a Yanks fan, I know what it feels like to root for the frontrunners!

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I think everyone knows that Sosa, Bonds, etc. took steroids. The reason for the different coverage in the media isn't due to race (IMO) but rather due to Bonds' attitude towards the media. Hank Aaron is black, so I don't see how Bonds being black has much to do with it.

I don't think that Bonds should get as much hate as he does, because it's not like he's the only juicer in the game. Fuck, look at Giambi. That guy clearly juiced, practically admitted to it (twice) and no one has said boo to him. (Maybe race does have something to do with it).

It really doesn't matter that Bonds is going to break Aaron's record, because, as much as I hate to admit it, A-Rod will break the record in a few more years.

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Actually, Aaron got an immense amount of hate because of his race when he was trying to set the record. Everywhere he went there were people cursing at him and sending him death threats. And while the media didn't portray him in any negative way, they certainly didn't help his cause. Even the commissioner at the time didn't attend the games where he was about to set the record.

When it comes to Bonds, I think the hate that he receives is primarily a cause of his attitude and the fact that he still denies taking 'roids knowingly. Giambi hardly gets any hate these days but that's because he sort of admitted cheating and has apologized to baseball fans.

Since I'm a die hard Dodger fan, I will always hate Bonds any other Giants players, but I have no issue with him breaking the record because I know it's not going to last that long. A-rod is on pace to break any record that Bonds sets, and if he doesn't do it then Pujols will. Ken Griffey, who seems to have gotten past all of the terrible injuries he suffered the last five or six years, still has an outside shot of breaking the record IMO. If he can just stay healthy enough to play 130 games for the next four or five years after this year, he has a chance.

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I know Aaron got a lot of hate when he was chasing Ruth's record, but what I meant was if the person who currently holds the HR record was white I could see how the hate for Bonds was race related. But since both the record holder and record chaser are both African-American, I don't see how it is a race issue.

While Bonds has always denied taking steroids, Giambi has never actually said he took steroids, he has only implied it. And if Bonds came out and said, "Yeah, I juiced" I don't think people would forgive him like they have other players (Giambi).

I don't know. I can see how, as a Dodgers fan, you would hate Bonds. I'm a Red Sox fan, so I automatically hate anyone in pinstripes. But for anyone to hate Bonds because he is a steroid user is silly since there are a lot of players that have juiced.

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i tend to look at athletes completely on their sports achievements. i think it's great that we are living in a time with all these juiced out freaks. it's awesome to see the pure scientifically enhanced athleticism of these monsters. i'm kinda on the extreme. i think juicing should be legal, then we wouldn't have to worry about checking for it all the time.

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I get what you're saying, eastcoast. I guess what sets Bonds apart from other roids users is the fact that he's closing in on a long standing 'sacred' record. As soon he sets the all time home run record, it will be considered tarnished just like the single season record.

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haha, i have to agree...wasnt it fun in 98 with that HR record chase? what a great summer...people that didnt usually attend baseball games came out of the woodwork.

sf and ny game was great last night...13 innings.

bobby cox tied the record for getting tossed outta the most games...finally atlanta scored one run and lost..haha, didnt they have three straight games were they didnt score?

  mizanation said:
i tend to look at athletes completely on their sports achievements. i think it's great that we are living in a time with all these juiced out freaks. it's awesome to see the pure scientifically enhanced athleticism of these monsters. i'm kinda on the extreme. i think juicing should be legal, then we wouldn't have to worry about checking for it all the time.
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  Larry Bird said:
hey, i gotta give it up to roger clemens...350 wins...wow...i talked shit cuz you left us, but i give credit and respect when its due.

i read your post before your username and thought "yeah join the club" but then i noticed "larry bird"... yeaaah...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't imagine Ichiro being with any other team than the Mariners.. He's built up such a huge Japanese fanbase for Seattle that it'd be strange to see him go to another team..

I wonder if they'd continue to broadcast all the Mariners games in Japan if he went to another team, or would they just switch to broadcasting the new team he's on..

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