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Line Sheets?


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*DISCLAIMER FOR THE WISEASSES: i know i can google this. so don't get all apey because i didn't google it.

anyway, my ex worked for Ralph Lauren--she gave me some baseline pointers, but i was wondering if anyone had any more in depth resources (online or otherwise) for different executions of line sheets for buyers. got a bunch of products i've taken around, and people have been like Word but line sheets would help alot, or My boss only takes line sheets etc.

i have done a basic template but am curious as to whether it's worth it trying to flip them nicely, i.e. make them aesthetically dope.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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Linesheets? yes, very neccessary, Why don't you go down to the showrooms in NY, act like a buyer, and do some browsing. Every label has a couple of pages of linesheets with the style #'s on them, grab one from each place that looks interesting. Take them home, scan the pages and retrace them out in Illustrator.

But I'm sure your girl already has a couple of samples from her old job for you to work from. Last time I looked up Rogan's site they had some nice silhouettes with a three quarter view. Also, the ads in the back of Japanese street wear mags ( like 'GET ON!') have tons of pictures of flattened pants that are good to trace in Illustrator for the silhouette.

Aesthetically when I do people's stuff I like to add some crease lines or whatev's you know try and make the flat look more 3d than just a schematic diagram.

btw I could get past the intro page on the link you posted

Benny Rags

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